Tag Archives: Om

Interview With Jesse Boudreau On Sun Gazing and Earth Alchemy || EP 754

Jesse Boudreau is an Alchemist, Permaculturalist, Herbalist, Father, Drummer, Buddhist, Taoist, and Breatharian.  Jesse is owner of Zia Elemental School of Permaculture and Herbalism. Jesse has a passion in transforming our culture.and consciousness in connecting to the earth and is a permacultrue designer. Zia Permaculture is a family owned business offering earth-based lifestyle education and […]

Robert B Stone & Sydney Petrie The Power Of Hypno-Cybernetics || EP 576

One of my favorite collaborations is Robert Stone and Sydney Petrie. Stone who also collaborated with Jose Silva, has a different style in his collaborations with Petrie who was a hypnotist. Hypno-Cybernetics is one of my all time favorite Robert Stone Books. This is an introlduction to Hypno Cybernetics taking from the first chapters. You […]


Kundalini is a powerful energy that resides at the base of the tail bone, often represented by a snake twisting up the spine. In most people, this energy is dormant until something causes it to awaken. This can be induced through specific types of yoga, breathing exercises or chanting. in Hinduism is a form of […]

Guided Meditation: The Infinity Palace Meditation | EP 37

In this guided meditation. let me take you on a trip to one of the coolest places in the multiverse. Right next to the Akashic records, it can connect you to your higher self, help find the best for you in health, love, and prosperity. Here you will find so many interesting rooms like the […]

Guided Meditation: The Manifestation Meditation | EP30

58:18 Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: manifestation, brian scott, reality revolution, meditation, reality transurfing, mantra, om, eheieh, shalom, shreem Episode Summary Listen to this one with your headphones on. Based on Wayne Dyer’s manifestation meditation this meditation is focused on allowing you to better manifest whatever you want in your life. The […]