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Brian Scott is an author, motivational speaker, thought leader, life coach, transformation coach, epiphany addict, wow seeker, proud dad, scifi junkie superfan, pearl jam lifer, artist, podcast host for the reality revolution podcast and the laptop revolution podcast.  He has studied and conducted research on consciousness expansion for over 20 years. Brian is a certified hypnotist, NLP instructor, and educated in physics, cybernetis, neuroscience with research he did on his Masters Degree in Communication.  After surviving a near death experience, Brian has made it his primary goal to help you to find that spark of power inside of you to  unleash your greatest potential. Thank you for joining the Reality Revolution.




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    I am so happy and grateful now that large amounts of love come to me easily and quickly with increased frequency in multiple situations with the best interest of all and the free will of all that I get to experience joyfully. That affirmation is the key, inspired by the large sums of money meditation [...]


    This is the starseed activation. This is designed to finally activate the starseed within you. If you have found this video it is likely you are a starseed and you were intended to listen to this. This requires no complicated meditation simply listen and your starseed DNA and abilities will begin the activation process. Your [...]


    You carry wounds and patterns that come from your ancestors, you also can potentially gain great power and wisdom from your ancestors as well. After hearing repeated success stories from ancestral healing I had to try it for myself. After several weeks I have gained major insights and experienced profound healings I would have been [...]


    I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, to venture into the depths of your being and awaken the magician that lies within. This is an inner magician activation. You are a being of pure magic. This is not a metaphor or a figure of speech, but a fundamental truth of your existence. [...]


    This is a collection of some of the best large sums of money teachings and meditations including the ten minute large sums of money meditation, the large sums of money activation, 10 steps to manifesting large sums of money and the guided meditation large sums of money unleashed.


    This is highly advanced meditation that combines affirmations and imagination prompts that allow you to to deep work on manifesting large sums of money. The goal of this meditation is create a reality in which large sums of money come to you easily and quickly and easily in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a [...]


    Do you have a deep desire or dream that you wish would manifest in your life? What if you could shift your consciousness to a parallel timeline where that wish is already fulfilled? You are invited to quantum jump into your wish fulfilled. Quantum Jumping allows you to expand your awareness and tap into the [...]


    There is nothing more powerful than using I AM affirmations. I AM is calling upon the divine name of god. This is sequence of I AM affirmations that begin simple and become more complex. Each with its own intention to affirm the reality of wealth and abundance. This can be used as a meditation or [...]


    This is a meditation designed to manifest your specific person, soulmate, twin flame or ideal mate.


    This is a Romantic Love Activation. Do not listen to it if you do not want to activate the reality of romantic love into your life. There is nothing that you need to do, using conversational hypnosis and NLP mixed with energetic infusion this is designed to change your consciousness.


    I have begun using number codes, quantum codes, sacred codes, quantum healing codes in the manifestation process. We have used these codes to enhance the meditative process in manifesting a variety of things. This meditation is dedicated to using these codes very specifically for the large sums of money affirmation. Each word and aspect of [...]


    This is a sleep meditation designed around the powerful idea of falling asleep to the wish fulfilled. After many requests I created one that allows you to use this technique to manifest the wealth you desire. You can use this to imagine unlimited wealth as you fall asleep. Fall asleep while imagining your wealth fulfilled [...]


    This meditation is designed for you to fully become your godself, to merge with your divine aspect, to awaken to your true identity as god of the universe. With a guided visualization and a collection of the most amazing Joseph Murphy affirmations that are designed to affirm and program an alignment with your god self [...]


    Embark on a voyage through the ancient, mystical realms of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, a pathway not just of wisdom but of profound transformation. Imagine, if you will, a universe within, where the boundaries of self merge with the cosmic play of existence. This meditation is your portal to that universe. Here, you are [...]


    Envision a realm where your deepest aspirations for wealth and success are not just possibilities but imminent realities. Here, each breath draws in confidence and exhales doubt, each moment spent in this meditative state is a step towards a richer, more abundant life. This meditation is crafted to align your mindset with the rhythms of [...]


    “The Magical Kingdom Within: Unlocking The Inner Power Of Creation” is not just a meditation, it’s an odyssey into the heart of your own boundless imagination. Imagine a world where every turn reveals new wonders, where the boundaries of reality blur with the realms of fantasy. Here, in the vast landscape of your inner self, [...]


    This is a meditation designed around Anthony Norvell’s book The Magnificent Life which has a number of terrific affirmations and technique in meditation it is quite powerful. There is a constant and impelling urge within man to find the Magnificent Life. This inner urge colors his emotions and his every experience. It causes him to [...]


    Enter the magnetic money vortex. I worked a long time on this and then my higher self made me forget I had created it, guiding me to release this now. It is a gem. 4 hours gives you 4 hours to move into a dream state after being programmed for four hours, you open with [...]


    This meditation is designed to give you a space to imagine and integrate powerful thoughts of wealth and abundance with affirmations and guidance to reprogram your subconscious mind and open you up to infinite possibilities and prosperity.


    This meditation is designed to take you into the very nexus of the universal mind itself. Here you can ask any question, speak your guides and manifest your hearts desire.


    This is a short ten minute meditation intended to propel you into the best day of your life. All it takes is just 10 minutes to propel you into the very best day ever. Do you have 10 minutes?


    By repeated request I have been asked to create a new 10 minute affirmation financial affirmation episode. If all you have is 10 minutes try these affirmations. I am using the YOU ARE affirmations from the You Are Prosperous Sleep Meditation. Use this to inspire, motivate and change your subconscious in just 10 minutes. I am using binaural affirmation that play separately in each ear which uniquely program each hemisphere of your brain and deeply transform your subconscious mind creating a powerful prosperity mindset. Intro 00:00 Affirmations begin 00:58


    Don’t let your dreams just be dreams



    Don’t let your dreams just be dreams

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