Tag Archives: Manifestation

You Are Responsible For Everything That Happens In Your Reality

Taking responsibility for your life is a foundational principle in the art of reality creation, but it is not always an easy path to follow. Many of us find ourselves struggling with the concept of accepting full responsibility for our experiences, thoughts, and actions. One of the most common reasons why people find it difficult […]

Al G Manning – Using Psycho Cosmic Power To Create The Abundant Life

This is from Al G Manning’s out of print book Helping Yourself With Psycho-Cosmic Power. Manning a post new thought author who taught spiritual science described psycho cosmic power as a special technique for communicating with the universe. It has been referred to as nerve energy, spirit energy, light energy and variety of other names. […]

Inner Magician Activation

I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, to venture into the depths of your being and awaken the magician that lies within. This is an inner magician activation. You are a being of pure magic. This is not a metaphor or a figure of speech, but a fundamental truth of your existence. […]

The Power Of Words

Words. They are the building blocks of our thoughts, the essence of our communication, and the creators of our reality. From the moment we utter our first word to the last syllable we speak, words hold an immense power over our lives. They can inspire us to reach for the stars, or they can shatter […]

Robert A. Russell – Awakening The Power

I dive into the profound wisdom of Robert A. Russell’s classic book “The Quickest Way to Everything Good.” I read a powerful chapter that reveals the key to effortlessly attracting abundance, happiness, and success into your life. As Russell writes, “The power that fulfills desire is already within you, waiting to be awakened and set […]

Do You Really Want Prosperity?

I ask you one simple question, do you really want prosperity? Prosperity has always been within your grasp, but perhaps you don’t really want it. Have you pondered whether you truly want to be prosperous this question is a gateway that if asked properly will bring amazing realizations and transformations into your awareness. So I […]

4D Consciousness Activation

his is designed as an activation. Through the process of listening to this you will be activated into a fourth density consciousness. Each word is uniquely crafted to transform, reprogram and propel you into a higher level of consciousness. Have you ever had the feeling that there’s more to reality than meets the eye? That […]

The Six Pillars Of Manifestation

Random House dictionary defines manifestation as the act of making something “readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain.” Manifestation is the act of making something invisible visible. It is the act of turning something abstract into something concrete and something potential into something real. That’s simple enough, and it’s something […]

Basking In The Feeling Of The Wish Fulfilled

Feelings are not just part of your daily experience but the very essence of creating the life you desire. The feelings we nurture and cultivate within ourselves have the power to shape our reality. Here, we delve into the fascinating realm of emotions, exploring their depth, nuances, and, most importantly, their role in manifestation. The […]

Thinking From The Wish Fulfilled

The concept of “Thinking From” is a transformative approach to manifestation, redefining your engagement with the law of attraction and the manifestation of our deepest desires. “Thinking From” is not merely a method; it is a way of being, a paradigm shift that invites you to inhabit your desires as already fulfilled. Unlike traditional approaches […]