Tag Archives: neville goddard imagination

Neville Goddard Truth || EP 1169

I wish to ask each one of you listening to me today a question – a question which must be close to the hearts of us all concerning truth. If a man known to you as a murderer broke into your home and asked the whereabouts of your mother, would you tell him where she […]

Neville Goddard – The New And Living Way || EP 1162

The New and Living Way 3/31/64 Neville Goddard “Only the Imagination of man is vast enough to contain the immensity of space.” And so, tonight, we ask the question concerning this new and living way: Can any man go forth where his Imagination has never gone before? I will answer that, no he can’t. Therefore, […]

Neville Goddard The Fundamental Sin || EP 1155

The Fundamental Sin 6/25/65 Neville Goddard We are told in scripture that the fundamental sin in the world is man’s lack of faith in I am he. If you want the quote, it’s the 8th chapter of the Book of John. You’ll find it confirmed in the 16th of John: “You will die in your […]

Neville Goddard Fawcett’s Letter || EP 1149

Neville Goddard Fawcett’s Letter 09-22-1959 This platform is concerned only with Imaginism. We believe the Supreme Power that created the universe is all Imagination. We believe that man is all Imagination, and this Supreme Power we call God exists in us and we in it, that our eternal body is Imagination . . that is, […]

Neville Goddard – That Which Already Has Been || EP 1142

That Which Already Has Been 10-6-1959 Neville Goddard This platform is concerned only with the great secret of life. Here we are convinced that the Supreme Power that created and sustains the universe is Divine Imagining, and it does not differ from human imagination save in degree of intensity. So God-in-man is your wonderful Imagination; […]

Neville Goddard – For Hatching || EP 1134

Neville Godard For Hatching 12/8/64 Well, tonight’s subject is “For Hatching.” There is a voice in man that if you listen to it and expect it, you will at rare intervals hear it. It’s the voice of authority and it never lies. Over the years I have heard this voice. It has never led me […]

Neville Goddard – You Must Experience God (The Final Lecture) || EP 1128

Based on my research this is Neville Goddard’s last lecture. It is certainly possible that there is another but this is the last one that I could find.   Please help me to confirm this. You Must Experience God Neville Goddard 3-10-1972 God is known by experience or not at all. I have experienced God. […]

Neville Goddard Proof, The Law Works || EP 1121

Proof, The Law Works Neville Goddard April 5, 1971 Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, says, “I see that you observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid I have labored over you in vain.” Now here we are, this crowded week of observing these different days, and this is the […]

Josiah Brandt On The Secret Power Of S.A.T.S || EP 1117

Known to many for his YouTube channel with narrations of Neville Goddard books and lectures, Josiah Brandt is also a futurist, humanist, veteran teacher, and an outspoken advocate for the exceptional potential of heart-based humans worldwide.   Josiah has one of my very favorite voices and I have learned so much from following his channel. […]

Robert Collier -The World’s Greatest Discovery || EP 1115

What, in your opinion, is the most significant discovery of this modern age? The finding of dinosaur eggs on the plains of Mongolia, laid — so scientists assert — some 10,000,000 years ago? The unearthing of the Tomb of Tutankh-Amen, with its matchless specimens of a bygone civilization? The radioactive time clock by which Professor […]