Tag Archives: v.i.p elmer o locker jr

Neville Goddard Proof, The Law Works || EP 1121

Proof, The Law Works Neville Goddard April 5, 1971 Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, says, “I see that you observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid I have labored over you in vain.” Now here we are, this crowded week of observing these different days, and this is the […]

Robert Collier -The World’s Greatest Discovery || EP 1115

What, in your opinion, is the most significant discovery of this modern age? The finding of dinosaur eggs on the plains of Mongolia, laid — so scientists assert — some 10,000,000 years ago? The unearthing of the Tomb of Tutankh-Amen, with its matchless specimens of a bygone civilization? The radioactive time clock by which Professor […]

Neville Goddard The Law Of Identical Harvest || EP 1114

I am quite sure you are going to find this an interesting series. Tonight it is “The Law of the Identical Harvest.” In the very beginning, God established the Law of the Identical Harvest. And God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation: Plants bearing seed and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their […]

Neville Goddard Our Real Beliefs || EP 1107

Our Real Beliefs Neville Goddard 3/6/64 Tonight’s subject is “Our Real Beliefs.” I really want this series to be the most productive that we’ve ever had. By that I mean I want everyone present to really have a goal, a noble goal, and realize it, realize it before we close in May. May I tell […]