Tag Archives: law of attraction

Working And Prosperity || EP 1157

Why do you work? You may smile at the question, for it seems perfectly obvious that everyone works to make a living. However, if this is the only reason you can come up with, then it is one of the errors that needs to be unlearned. It is an attitude that may well be frustrating […]

Financial Security In A Changing World || EP 1156

Security is one of the most talked about things in the world today. Every day in the news reports there are discussions of how nations are going about the business of securing themselves. Families plan for security by putting bars on the windows and locks on the doors. Individuals give a lot of attention to […]

Neville Goddard The Fundamental Sin || EP 1155

The Fundamental Sin 6/25/65 Neville Goddard We are told in scripture that the fundamental sin in the world is man’s lack of faith in I am he. If you want the quote, it’s the 8th chapter of the Book of John. You’ll find it confirmed in the 16th of John: “You will die in your […]

Your Prosperity Begins With You || EP 1152

Where does your prosperity begin? Does it begin with the economy, with your family, your upbringing? Where does it begin? There is a great idea that you will encounter again and again on your quest: you are a living magnet, constantly drawing to you the things, the people, and the circumstances which are in accord […]

Money Magnetism || EP 1150

This episode is dedicated for magnetizing money for you. Many in the spiritual community struggle with this concept. They see discussions of money from a lower spirutal order. Money, we’ve all heard, is the root of all evil. This piece of folk wisdom is due, no doubt, to the fact that so many people mistakenly […]

Neville Goddard Fawcett’s Letter || EP 1149

Neville Goddard Fawcett’s Letter 09-22-1959 This platform is concerned only with Imaginism. We believe the Supreme Power that created the universe is all Imagination. We believe that man is all Imagination, and this Supreme Power we call God exists in us and we in it, that our eternal body is Imagination . . that is, […]

Using Quantum Codes, Sacred Codes, and Grabovoi Numbers to Shift In The Multiverse || EP 1146

Quantum Healing Codes, Sacred Codes and Grabovoi Numbers are an amazing system of numerical identification of a variety of energies and ideas that help to utilize the vast multiverse that is available to you. Number systems create a system of identification with the universal mind and it can make it easier to attract and create […]

Vernon Howard – Forces That Make You More Money || EP 1144

All of us realize that money-making is not the central purpose of life, yet it is an absolute necessity as well as a pretty wonderful convenience. Financial fullness enables us to provide better for the needs of those who depend upon us, also, it is man’s right to surround himself with as many luxuries and […]

Neville Goddard – That Which Already Has Been || EP 1142

That Which Already Has Been 10-6-1959 Neville Goddard This platform is concerned only with the great secret of life. Here we are convinced that the Supreme Power that created and sustains the universe is Divine Imagining, and it does not differ from human imagination save in degree of intensity. So God-in-man is your wonderful Imagination; […]

Guided Meditation Invoking The Magic Power Circle || EP 1140

The intention of this meditation is to use the techniques and affirmations from Anthony Norvell’s book Cosmic Magnetism The Miracle of The Magic Power Circle. The techniques in this book are a powerful form of manifestation meditation that you can use to create your reality and bring prosperity, love and perfect health. In the book […]