Tag Archives: middle pillar

Guided Meditation The Angelic Ladder Of Desire || EP 1037

The Goal of this meditation is to help you to achieve your greatest desire.  Here we invoke unique angelic energies guiding you through a powerful meditation and ritual that calls on the angels and their powers to aid you in climbing the ladder of desire. We invoke the middle pillar and do a version of […]

A Study Of Hebrew Words Of Power And Light || EP 953

In an attempt to further study Hebrew to understand the meaning and numerical value of letters as Neville Goddard does in interpreting the bible I have attempted to further explore Hebrew in a spiritual context.   Hebrew as a language is an powerful ancient language of light.  There have even been some claims that the […]

Israel Regardie The Art Of True Healing: The Unlimited Power Of Prayer And Visualization (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 543

The Art of True Healing details a powerful exercise that stimulates the body, mind, and spirit to help us create physical health and personal success. Originally published in 1932, predating by more than a half century the current interest in the mind’s power to heal, this concise work guides readers through what Israel Regardie calls […]

Guided Meditation Calling Down The Power And Activating The Guardian Shield || EP 473

The meditation begins at 2:58 Within our human heritage is a vast storehouse of magical words, mantras, invocations and chantes handed down from ages past.  The ancients used these sacred sounds to still the mind, heal the body, and attain higher states of consciousness. These sounds are their gift to us. According to Jewish tradition, […]