Tag Archives: archangel michael

Guided Meditation Sitting With The Angels || EP 570

 Angelic energy is a high-frequency light that’s unique to the angels. It’s the signature healing vibration of the angelic realm. Angelic energy is calming, healing, purifying and unconditionally loving. It’s rooted in the divine feminine, yet can also be connected to the divine masculine. The energy of the angels raises consciousness, opens up miraculous perceptions, […]

Guided Meditation Calling Down The Power And Activating The Guardian Shield || EP 473

The meditation begins at 2:58 Within our human heritage is a vast storehouse of magical words, mantras, invocations and chantes handed down from ages past.  The ancients used these sacred sounds to still the mind, heal the body, and attain higher states of consciousness. These sounds are their gift to us. According to Jewish tradition, […]