Tag Archives: joseph alai

Neville Goddard Creative Moments || EP 292

CREATIVE MOMENTS NEVILLE GODDARD 4/27/65 So let nothing stand in your way. Just simply grant everyone what you would like them to have. If they want wealth, alright, wealth, if they want fame, fame. What does it really matter if all is created out of imaginary circumstances? And in the end, after you’ve exercised this […]

Neville Goddard The Wearer Of The Mask || EP 283

THE WEARER OF THE MASK NEVILLE GODDARD 10/13/67  So if I find myself in this place where I am miserable and I feel myself helpless, it is not a condemnation of some deity outside of myself. I either knowingly or unknowingly fell into that state, for all things exist in God. Every conceivable situation that […]

Neville Goddard – He Is Meditating Me: The Rock || EP 278

Well, many years ago, 1934 to be exact, I was sitting in the Silence, not thinking of anything in particular, just simply contemplating this interior structure of the brain as it were. If you turn your eyes, mentally turn them inward and just let them rest upon the interior of your skull, in a little […]

Neville Goddard The Eternal Plan || EP 277

NEVILLE GODDARD – THE ETERNAL PLAN 2/22/66  Since 1959 I have been in the unique position to share with you God’s plan of salvation. I did not know it before. I knew his law, taught it, practiced it, tried to live by it, and for years helped hundreds and hundreds to change their world to […]

Neville Goddard The World Is A Dream || EP 275

This World is a Dream 5/7/65 Neville Goddard  Now tonight, I think you’ll find it very practical.   The purpose of a teacher is to encourage and to stimulate, sometimes even to belabor one to become curious to detect the principle in operation.   Our principle is that imagining creates reality.   We make the claim that “the […]

Neville Goddard One More On The Law || EP 271

So tonight, in a very simple way, for those who are here for the first time, let me show you how we actually operate this simple, simple principle. Instead of withdrawing from the body unknowingly into any old state, you withdraw deliberately into a predetermined state. So you put the body on the bed or […]

Neville Goddard Story Telling and Picture Taking || EP 269

Law/Story Telling/Picture Taking 2/16/65 Neville Goddard Neville. The Wonder Working Power of Imagination: 1965 Lectures . Trafford Publishing. Kindle Edition. If you could now think of your Imagination as the most sensitive instrument in the world, and compare it, say, to a piano; you can’t conceive of a tone or a combination of tones that […]

Neville Goddard Time To Act || EP 264

Neville Goddard Time To Act 2/1/66 Tonight’s title is “Time to Act.” You’ll find this a very practical evening and yet it is based upon a mystical experience. If God has spoken, what in the world is more important than to listen to what he’s said and what he’s telling you? But first, let me […]

Neville Goddard Leaving Permanently || EP 263

I’ve been thinking through the day, rather days, what should I say were I leaving permanently? What would I like everyone to remember? Well, these are my thoughts to leave with you things I’ve told you over the years. It is God’s purpose to give himself to all of us, to each of us, as […]

Neville Goddard Life Is For Acting ||EP 262

Life really is for acting. Time to act! “God only acts and is in existing beings or men” (Blake). God is not some passive spectator observing the great passage of life. He is the supreme actor. Now, to play a part an actor must to some extent feel the part and imagine himself as the […]