Tag Archives: meditation for beginners

Guided Meditation YOU ARE GOD || EP 878

It may sound shocking and perhaps you have been taught that God rests on a throne somewhere else in the universe, separate from you. But god is much closer that you think. He/she is you. The realization of this truth is so profound it will change you forever It is time for you to claim […]

Guided Meditation Manifesting Your Dreams And Desires || EP 844

This meditation is designed to create the life you wish to have and surrender your creation to the Infinite Intelligence.  Allow space for relaxation and ease while the universe takes care of it for you. Welcome to the reality revolution Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the […]

Guided Meditation Into The Vortex || EP 676

This guided meditation will allow you to enter your vortex of creation where you can find the vibrational alignment with the frequencies of your dreams.  This will lead to their actualization in 3 dimensional space. This is the place where everything that you ever wanted exists. This is the vortex. Music By Mettaverse Golden Lotus […]

Guided Meditation The Feel Good Meditation || EP 460

Meditation starts at 1:42 Approximately 40 minutes. As Neville Goddard says, the feeling is the secret.  Feelings are the key to reality creation.  You can create amazing feelings though meditation.  Here we access deeply good feelings. Use this meditation anytime you want to feel good. You will never feel better. Welcome to the reality revolution […]

Guided Meditation: The Mindfulness Meditation || EP 77

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis. Whenever you bring […]