Tag Archives: forgiveness

Neville Goddard – The Mystery Of Forgiveness || EP 1369

1/13/1969 Neville Goddard Tonight’s title is “The Mystery of Forgiveness.” The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness. We are so apt to attribute our ills and our troubles to outward causes, to our environment, to the conditions that surround us, to things—desirable things lacking, or undesirable things that are present—while all the time […]

Paramahansa Yogananda – The Forgiveness Of Sins || EP 1329

“Man is essentially and eternally made in the image of God; the sins of a million lives cannot erase the perfection of his soul.” The all-forgivingness of divine love was demonstrated time and again in those who made themselves devotionally receptive to the Christ in Jesus. His words to the woman of sinful repute gave […]

Discover The Wonder Of Giving || EP 1164

In an episode devoted to the theme of prosperity, it might be assumed that the emphasis would be on “how to get.” Perhaps by now you will understand why I say that such an emphasis is not only grossly materialistic, but it is also extremely misleading. Any study of prosperity fails unless it teaches you […]

Radical Reinvention || EP 1122

Now that you are mastering your fears and the life principles that hold you back, learning to ride out the anxiety, and living in line to your vision, your life is moving in a much more powerful, positive direction. You have created a structure of support and surrounded yourself with people who can help you. […]

The Power To Change Yourself || EP 1116

At this point, if you have followed the podcast, you understand how life principles of fear, self-doubt, worry, envy, and anger hold you back. And because you have been doing my meditations, you are beginning to master them.   You are beginning to enter situations that were once fearful for you in the past.   […]

Step Into The Gap || EP 1108

How do we step into the gap of where you are now, to where you want to be? There is often a lot of tension in the beginning of leaving the past behind and stepping into the gap between where you were yesterday and that place you desire to be. The power to reinvent yourself […]

Overcoming Resentment and Guilt To Allow For Miracles || EP 905

One of the greatest obstacles to achieving miracles and desires in your life is resentment and guilt.  This episode is dedicated to how to deal with negative emotions, resentments and guilt to allow for miracles in your life. Releasing these powerful emotions transforms them from obstacles into stepping stones Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full […]

Guided Meditation The Forgiveness Meditation || EP 704

I have deeply suffered from guilt and resentment in my life. It became so bad that I could not manifest anything.  I was blocking all of the good that could come into my life and the life of others because I believed I did not deserve it. If you can truly forgive your life will […]

Florence Scovel Shinn The Law Of Karma And The Law Of Forgiveness || EP 413

This is the law of Karma, which is Sanskrit for “Comeback.” “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” I just love the writing of Florence Scovel Shinn.  I imagine meeting her and being so sure and sassy at the same time.  There is a playful teaching in each of her books. Florence Scovel […]