Tag Archives: self improvement

You Are Amazing || EP 1603

YOU ARE AMAZING. In the unfolding tapestry of your life, there lies a profound truth, one that whispers of the interconnectedness of all things. This episode nvites you to dance with the cosmos, to understand that you are not just a part of the universe, but the universe is a part of you. Every atom […]

Creating A Sense Of Urgency || EP 1521

In a world characterized by rapid change and fleeting opportunities, time is a commodity we can neither purchase nor reclaim. Yet, amidst the incessant tick of the clock, lies a potent force often underestimated: the power of a sense of urgency. It’s not about mindless rushing or fueled panic; it’s about seizing the present, discerning […]

Integrating The Shadow || EP 1197

In a recent episode I talked about the shadow of the smaller self, emphasizing that the shadow is just a reflection of the ego. The shadow is still important and we can integrate the shadow into your conscious self. The shadow level is where we start from. We are evolving to another level of mind. […]

The Shadow Of The Smaller Self || EP 1183

We talk alot about uncovering the shadow, revealing the shadow, integrating the shadow. But the shadow is only behind you and it is only a shadow of the smaller self. While the uncovering the shadow may be important, it is not the reflection of your greater being. Tickets are now available for Reality Con 3 […]

Overcoming Resentment and Guilt To Allow For Miracles || EP 905

One of the greatest obstacles to achieving miracles and desires in your life is resentment and guilt.  This episode is dedicated to how to deal with negative emotions, resentments and guilt to allow for miracles in your life. Releasing these powerful emotions transforms them from obstacles into stepping stones Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full […]

Breaking Out Of Self Punishing Patterns || EP 841

Do you experience a recurring negative cycle?  Do you find that you have a part of yourself that secretly punishes yourself. Most of us prisoners of painful patterns.   The only way to break the pattern of self punishing patterns is bringing light to these patterns. There is no need for you to suffer. Alternate […]

Napoleon Hill The End Of The Rainbow || EP 356

In 1922, Napoleon Hill was invited to give the commencement address at Salem College in Salem, West Virginia. The school was founded in 1888 as a liberal arts, teacher education, and nursing college. Titled “The End of the Rainbow,” the commencement address was the most influential speech that Hill ever gave.   When Hill delivered the […]