Neville Goddard The Pure In Heart || EP 714

Neville Goddard

The Pure In Heart

March 1 1963

Tonight’s subject is “The Pure in Heart.” I think you are all familiar with it, the sixth beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). I dare say that it would be unwise to pick and choose among the beatitudes, and yet I hear that most people look upon this beatitude as the brightest particular star in the heavens. It really seems the most inaccessible, not only the promise but the condition that must be met in order for the promise to be fulfilled: for we must be pure in heart to see God. And what wouldn’t man give to see God? And yet all he needs to do in this world is to fulfill the condition: to be pure in heart. And so what do we mean by pure in heart, just what is it?

First of all, may I tell you that you need not think of moral perfection; and certainly, it does not refer in any way to sexual purity. For we are told by the same one who uttered the beatitude that the harlot given to love will go into heaven before the Pharisee. The Pharisee was perfect in keeping these outward laws—the washing of the outside of the cup and the washing of the hands and feet. He abided by the law, outwardly, and yet he was told that the harlot given to love would go into heaven before he would. So it isn’t that. So what is this purity spoken of: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”?

You see, the Bible is a mystery; and although on the surface it seems so simple, anyone should be able to understand that simple statement, but anyone: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” But the Bible isn’t that simple. So what is this purity, and what is the heart? For the word pure is Tahor, which means clear, which means “unalloyed, pure, pure gold.”

Music By Mettaverse

into the omniverse

blade runner

432hz relaxing ambient music Tibetan Singing Bowls

768hx throat chakra inspiring creativity

when all else fades

light quotient

639hz heart chakra

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The video contained was used with permission by Julius Horsthuis

Julius is an amazing artist check out his website

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