Tag Archives: awakening the imagination

Guided Meditation – Can You Imagine? || EP 1626

This is a wonderful meditation designed around questions that begin with can you imagine? This starts seemingly mundane questions that let you imagine the space and dimensions of body amplifying your awareness. This activates your imaginal mastermind, as we move further into the meditation you are guided to imagine your perfect future, with perfect love, […]

Guided Meditation – Orchestrating The Brain || EP 1570

This is a powerful meditation using techniques created by Jean Houston to orchestrate the brain, entering into the actual physical brain and creating a connection to all of source. These exercises are magical and practical techniques that allow for you to unify the right and left brain and orchestrate it into a higher state of […]

Guided Meditation Awakening The Imaginal Body || EP 1523

If you are a true student of Neville Goddard and you want to truly imagine properly, this meditation is a game charger. Inspired by Jean Houston and Masters this technique has fully activated my imaginal body and I have experienced concrete and demonstrable changes in the effectiveness of my imagination. You are not imagining properly […]