Category Archives: Interviews

Who Were The Wingmakers? || EP 141

Who were the wingmakers? One explanation from on article on the subject states Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA — responsible for extraterrestrial contact and technology assimilation — took the discovery into […]

Interview with Katherine Jegede – Writer, Television Host, Expert on Neville Goddard || EP 140

“According to Neville, there is only one power in the universe out of which all things emanate. Not a ‘good’ source and a separate ‘evil’ one, but one universal source bending in obedience to the creative will of men and women everywhere. The how remains a mystery; but this eternal fact is nonetheless true. As […]

Transurfing the Waking Dream || EP 139

One of the most interesting concepts in Vadim Zeland’s Reality Transurfing is the idea of the waking dream. In the Chapter Dreams of Gods, Zeland explores the ways in which reality interacts with the space of variations. Zeland asks the question, “Where is the alternatives space?” This chapter is important because here we see the […]

Guided Meditation: I Am Not My Body, I Am Not My Mind (Sadhguru) || EP 138

This is a powerful meditation. After doing this meditation for just one week I doubled my energy and concentration levels. This is based on Sadghuru’s Isha Kriya Meditation For 7-11 Minutes as you breathe in you think the thought “I am not my body”, as you breath out you think the thought “I am not […]

Neville Goddard on How To Meditate || EP 137

Neville Goddard was way before his time. His teachings are profound and powerful In this episode I go over one of Goddard’s teachings on Meditation. He explains what meditation is and how to do it. I found this both simple and profound. Often times we make these things too complicated. Medication can be a powerful […]

Walking Meditation: Walking Through the Eternity Archive 111HZ 432HZ 528HZ 777HZ || EP 136

This may be my favorite meditation on the reality revolution. I have wanted to put something like this together for a long time. This is incredibly powerful. It is not just a mediation but an explosive reality creation technique. On a recent episode I described the transaction technique in Transurfing. This is visualizing your future […]

Interview with Jude Currivan – Planetary Healer, Cosmologist, Physicist, Writer || EP 135

Jude Currivan’s amazing book The Cosmic Hologram In-formation at the Center of Creation just blew me away when I read it. When I reached out to her I was so excited that she agreed to an interview. This book describes how holographic patterns of information underlie our physical reality It includes myriad evidence from a […]

The Law of One (The Ra Materia) A Brief Synopsis || EP 134

In a recent interview I talked about the Law of One with Aaron Abke. He does a terrific job of explaining it on his channel but I wanted to start a series of meditations and deep dives on some of the teachings of the law of one. The Law of One, also known as the […]

Interview with Aaron Abke

I am a huge fan of Aaron Abke, he has a tremendous channel where he talks about his spiritual awakening, the law of attraction, the law of one, the course in miracles and a whole lot more. You can check out his channel here I am particularly fascinated by the law of one which […]

Understanding the Transaction Technique In Transurfing EP || 132

This episode is about the transaction technique The moment has now come for you to see your movement through the alternatives space with your own eyes. You will see that you are capable of moving through time, both forwards and backwards. It will not be like the time travel they depict in science fiction movies […]