Tag Archives: dr joseph murphy

Dr Joseph Murphy The Secret Of Psychic Osmosis And The Magic Riches Of Faith || EP 717

Emerson, in his essay on self-reliance, says: “Trust thyself: Every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the Divine Providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that […]

Dr Joseph Murphy Your Magic Power For Perfect Living And Avoiding Curses || EP 665

Many people today are afraid of malignant thought projections, black magic, the evil eye, voodoo, etc.; there seems to be a general fear that there is some sort of hidden power that others can use to hurt them or to mar their happiness. The Greatest Secret Within Man You will truly lead a full and […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy The 12 Powers Mystically Explained || EP 552

The twelve signs of the Zodiac, the twelve sons of Jacob, the twelve months of the year, the twelve hours in the day, the twelve powers of Hercules, the twelve Tribes of Israel, the twelve gates of heavenly Jerusalem, the twelve pillars of the temple of Heliopolis, the twelve altars of Fanus, the twelve shields […]

Dr Joseph Murphy Love Is Freedom || EP 529

God is love, and when true love in the heart unites a man and a woman together, that is actually God joining a couple in a sacred covenant. When there is a true, spiritual union between two people (God hath joined), there is-no divorce, for none is wanted. They blend spiritually, mentally, and physically. There […]

The Soul Retrieval Meditation || EP 528

Souls reside within a paradox. On the one hand, they are whole and complete miniatures of God, “sparks of Divinity,” and on the other hand they seem fragile and ready to splinter into millions of pieces. Neither perception is entirely accurate. The soul is a vast ray of light, bigger than anything in the physical […]

Frank Rudolph Young Mentally Dominate Yourself With The Khudd Ozonta || EP 508

There are lots of ways in which you can be dominated through subtle and not so subtle techniques used by individuals, groups and pendulums. Frank Robinson Young was a post new thought author who was a chiropractor and bodybuilder who wrote several books.  In his book the laws of mental domination he discusses the process […]

Robert B Stone – The Magic Of Psychotronic Power || EP 483

A “How To” book focused on you gaining absolute control over your destiny, by awakening a sleeping and untapped energy that lies dormant in the brain. “In a matter of minutes- you can begin to tap the miraculous cosmic force of Psychotronic Power that lies within us all, and turn your life into a gold […]

Guided Meditation Calling To The Divine The Dr Joseph Murphy Affirmations Binaural || EP 479

Meditations starts at 2:22 The wonderful affirmations used in this meditation are done binaurally playing differently in both ears.  This is a classic hypnosis technique which induces deep trance states and will reach deep into your subconscious and reprogramming the mind.  Here we call to the divine with incredible affirmations formulated by the master of […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – Pray And Grow Rich || EP 470

Use the laws of mind and extract from the infinite storehouse within you every-thing you need to lead a glorious and successful life. You were born to be rich, and you are here to lead a full and happy life. God wants you to be happy. There is a definite law of cause and effect […]

Prosperity Through Thought Force by Bruce Maclelland (Unabridged Audiobook With Commentary) || EP 461

Prosperity Through Thought Force by Bruce Maclelland 1907. This magical little book tells how one man, of less than average ability, and who had failed over and over again in all he did, discovered and began using Universal Principles. By doing so he was able to totally turn his life around. Bruce MacLelland shares how […]