Tag Archives: dan radiostyle neville

Neville Goddard The Seedtime and Harvest (1956 Lecture) || EP 320

SEEDTIME AND HARVEST (lecture) Neville Goddard June 10 1956 This statement is taken from the Book of Genesis, the 8th chapter of Genesis – it is a promise made to man that “while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, hot and cold, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.” We are told that […]

Neville Goddard The Battle Of Armageddon || EP 311

THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDONNeville Goddard 05-06-1969  You may have been taught that this battle will take place on the outside, as races battle races, and nations battle nations. It doesn’t mean communism against democracy or socialism against capitalism. There will always be wars and conflicts; but the battle of Armageddon is the battle of ideology. […]

Neville Goddard Affirm The Reality Of Your Own Greatness || EP 308

Affirm The Reality Of Your Own Greatness Radio Talk, Station KECA, Los Angeles (July, 1951) The essential revolution must happen within ourselves In our solitude we are driven to subjective experience, it is then that we should imagine ourselves to be the man or woman we desire, to see embodied in the world. If in […]

Neville Goddard The Greatest Of All Blessings || EP 306

GREATEST OF ALL BLESSINGS Neville Goddard 5/14/65  So the greatest of all blessings would be a strong Imagination, a clear idea, and a determinate vision of things as we desire them to be, all clearly fixed in our mind, and never waver from that vision, regardless of what you hear, regardless of what rumor comes […]

Neville Goddard Answered Prayer || EP 304

Answered Prayer Radio Talk – Station KECA, Los Angeles (July, 1951) Neville Goddard  Have you ever had a prayer answered? What wouldn’t men give just to feel certain that when they pray, something definite would happen. For this reason, I would like to take a little time to see why it is that some prayers […]

Neville Goddard Paul’s Autobiography || EP 301

PAUL’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY NEVILLE GODDARD 2/22/1963 Tonight we have Paul’s autobiography. It is the story of Paul, and Paul is the greatest and most influential figure in the history of Christianity. After you hear his story, you may judge just who he is. Paul begins where everyone who aspires after public confidence must begin: with his […]

Neville Goddard Inner Talking || EP 299

INNER TALKING Neville Goddard 4/16/65 Tonight’s subject is “Inner Talking.” And may I tell you, if you really believe it to the point that you really apply it, nothing is impossible. If you really believe it to the degree that you are moved to really try it. Costs you nothing; all it costs you is […]

Neville Goddard Imagining Creates Reality || EP 285

IMAGINING CREATES REALTY NEVILLE GODDARD 9/11/67  This principle works. If you are here for the first time, you may hear a certain phrase that may not seem familiar, but I assure you it has biblical support. I may change the word and it may sound unfamiliar, but I assure you, it’s all scripture. When I […]

Neville Goddard The Wearer Of The Mask || EP 283

THE WEARER OF THE MASK NEVILLE GODDARD 10/13/67  So if I find myself in this place where I am miserable and I feel myself helpless, it is not a condemnation of some deity outside of myself. I either knowingly or unknowingly fell into that state, for all things exist in God. Every conceivable situation that […]

Neville Goddard – He Is Meditating Me: The Rock || EP 278

Well, many years ago, 1934 to be exact, I was sitting in the Silence, not thinking of anything in particular, just simply contemplating this interior structure of the brain as it were. If you turn your eyes, mentally turn them inward and just let them rest upon the interior of your skull, in a little […]