Tag Archives: the reality revolution

Q’uo – Trees Consciously Evolving

April 13, 2024 The wholeness of the gendered self; seeking confirmation of contact; evolution of trees to the third density; technologies of healing; the relationship of faith and the Choice in the archetypes; Lakota language; sharing that which inspires us; the catalyst of body image. You can find more at www.llresearch.org 🎧 Recommendations: Use headphones […]

Q’uo – Angels, Spacecraft And Disclosure

May 9, 2024 The degree of participation of the conscious instrument in channeling; the principles of living with mental/spiritual pain; the meaning of quo; how three social memory complexes collaborate to form Q’uo; the presence of the constituent groups of Q’uo for the contact; possibilities between conscious and trance channeling; humor in the Law of […]

Unusual Facts From The Law Of One Sessions

There are some amazingly unusual details from the Ra contact that Jim Mccarty has commented on in his daily Camelot Journal entries. The Ra Contact or the Ra Material, also referred to as the law of one sessions provided volumes of fascinating information about the nature of the universe. For instance they discuss the silver […]

Q’uo – On Raising The Kundalini

September 3 2006 The question today is, what work is necessary to be done by the seeker upon the chakras or the energy centers in order to facilitate the raising of the kundalini and of what value to the seeker is this raising of the kundalini? Read with permission of ll research. You can find […]

Q’uo – The Spirituality Of Creation And Art

April 26, 2008 The question this evening is, “Would you discuss the spiritual principles behind the creative process of the arts? From a spiritual perspective, what are some of the differences in the creative process between poets, novelists, sculptors, painters, composers, songwriters, actors and playwrights? Read with permission of ll research. You can find more […]

Q’uo – Wanderers, Guides, And Reaching 51% In Service

I was excited to read this channeling since it directly addressed an important question I have repeatedly asked about realistically reaching 51% in the limits of a human life. This channeling was delivered on March 23, 2024 Polarizing beyond 51% in time-limited circumstances; do wanderers become part of Earth’s social memory complex; discerning service as […]

Q’uo – The Yom Channelings

During The Q’uo Sessions LL Research has had a number of interesting guest channelings from the confederation. We have explored several of these in past episodes from Hatonn to L/Leema. Today we explore Yom, an entity who appears to specialize in scientific, math and geometric information. A number of fascinating questions are asked unlike any […]

Q’uo – On Sexual Energy Transfer

March 9 2024 Topics: Pursuing and becoming aware of sexual energy transfer; personal experience in sexual energy exchange; being an individual channeler; reprogramming preincarnational programming during the incarnation; how do we know what is part of the preincarnational plan; ringing in thine head; seemingly losing a state of high vibration; is use of the hands […]

Q’uo -On The Law Of Attraction, Stargates And Black Eyed Children

November 23, 2023 Topics: The Law of Attraction; star children; stargates; postpartum psychosis; the aliveness of stone; building the great pyramid; financial gifts; DNA; reincarnation; second-density graduation; service to children; transition to fourth density; interaction with ETs; administering medications to the dying; timelines; alternative healing; germ andd terrain theories; conserving sexual energy; value of past-life […]

Q’uo – Connecting With Your Higher Self

February 10, 2024 Topics covered: Wanderers’ higher selves and their role in planetary evolution; spiritual growth and service through meditation; spirituality, depression, and service; spiritual growth and service to others; charging money for service; discerning and seeing the truth; spirituality and the “great awakening”; various sources of the planetary population; population growth and spiritual evolution […]