Tag Archives: reality creation

Guided Meditation: Questions to the Matrix | Ep 41

Nothing has such power to cause a complete mental turnaround as that of a question. Questions spark curiosity, curiosity creates ideas and ideas (well, good ones) lead to innovation and prosperity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value, it spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, And […]

The Love Revolution | Ep 39

Let’s face it. Falling in love is an amazing feeling. The biological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual powers of love make you feel like you’re getting caught in the pull of an exhilarating wave. Finding true love is worth trillions of dollars. Can we do it with our thoughts by surfing through realities? In this episode, […]

The Reality Revolution in Health | EP 31

Show Notes We are experiencing a quantum revolution in health. As the reality revolution begins to take the world, we are learning about the genuine power of our thoughts to help us overcome every major health problem. In fact every day we see miraculous spontaneous healings of cancer and crippling diseases. The placebo effect is […]

Waking up in the eternity archive – A full review, discussion and Analysis of Tufti the Priestess by Vadim Zeland | EP 23

Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: reality creation, life coach, reality transurfing, vadim zeland, tufti the priestess, law of attraction EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary One of the best books to come out this year is Vadim Zeland’s Tufti the Priestess. It discusses practical techniques to change reality. In this episode Brian does a […]

The parallel reality meditation |EP19

EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: parallel reality, short meditation, meditation, parallel reality meditation, reality transurfing, law of attraction, reality creation EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary This is short 10 minute meditation designed to pull you into a parallel reality. When you are done with this meditation you end up in an entirely different universe. […]

Importance: balancing forces, chaos theory, excess potentials in reality surfing | EP12

39:11 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: importance, excessive potentials, catastrophe theory, law of attraction, reality transurfing, reality creation, balancing forces, manifesting your desire, hacking importance, chaos theory EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary In this episode, Brian discusses Vadim Zeland’s concept of importance and balancing forces in reality transurfing. He discusses balancing forces, […]