Quazi Johir – Mastering Your Reality

Quazi is a reality creation coach who has developed a highly successful system that allows for profound transformations in his clients through identity shifting and reality transurfing. He documents his success stories on his Youtube channel which has outstanding daily content.

You can see it here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK5-hzSvMAPSSo2vH_LtNKw Quazi has a fascinating story growing up on four different continents with unique childhood experiences that molded his spiritual transformation. He brings a fresh and unique perspective on reality creation with a mix of a variety of different perspectives.

Quazi is a writer and a highly advanced guru level coach and an incredibly young age and it was great to get a chance to talk to him. He is slowly becoming one of the best thought leaders and reality creation coaches around. He is deep with knowledge about complex issues that we try to break down on this podcast and I hope you enjoy it.

I have had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Quazi in person. Quazi is a good friend and it had been a while since we talked. It was great to catch up with him. Quazi outlines one transformational technique that helped him to manifest millions. We talk about every aspect of reality creation and I truly enjoyed his unique perspective.

A review of Quazi’s book:

You can check out Quazi’s website here https://www.realitycreator.com/

You can get his book life mastery: