Neville Goddard The Shaping Of The Unbegotten

So when you know what you want this night, just assume that you have it, and put it on just as God put this garment on. Assume that you have it. Because all things by a law divine in one another’s being mingle, all of us. Therefore, if I put it on I will influence every being in the world who can be of assistance in bringing to pass that which I have assumed. If you can be used, you’ll be used, without your knowledge, without your consent. If it takes 10,000 to aid the birth of what I’m assuming, 10,000 will be used, for we are all one. And God has plotted it and planned it so that you will know, in the end, we are one. So, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord” and that one Lord is simply a compound unity, the gods. Therefore, all will play their part in concert to produce what was the decision in the beginning: “Let us make man in our image.”