Henry Thomas Hamblin Dynamic Thought Success And Character Building Lesson 5 || EP 700

THE Objective or Conscious Mind is the outer or surface mind of mind. It is the finite mind of very close limitations. It receives impressions through the organs of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. It learns from books, speech, experience and experiment. We have seen that the subliminal mind is one with the Infinite Mind of the Universe, differing only in degree and not in kind, yet this is useless if the objective mind does not make use of the potential powers lying dormant within. We have also seen that the so called sub-conscious mind is pregnant with tremendous power, and that it is a wonderful intelligence far exceeding anything that the objective consciousness can grasp or understand. Further that this is regulated and controlled by thoughts, impressions and suggestions, coming through the conscious mind.

Therefore this great intelligence is ruled and governed, or ought to be, by the objective mind. Yet of what use is all this if the mind of the senses does not govern wisely or does not govern at all, but lets the sub-conscious mind run amuck, as it were, and acting upon instincts and false impressions, untruths and harmful suggestions, turn the whole life into an inferno of trouble and difficulty? Therefore you will see that the objective mind, although very limited, is, in a way, the most important of all, at any rate as far as this life and consciousness are concerned, for through it the Ego governs or can govern the whole of the submerged mind. The Ego is the “I” part of man. It is his personal individual inner self. The real “YOU” is your individual Ego. The real “YOU” within is seeking expression through your minds and then through your brain and body and outer life. It can only do this properly when the Will is strong enough either to carry out, or force your minds to carry out, the commands of the Ego.

Suppose the real inner “YOU” says to the Will: I wish to succeed in this undertaking. We will imagine that “this undertaking” is a course of study which requires a great deal of application and perseverance, and a certain amount of sacrifice of pleasure for its accomplishment. It necessitates working while others are playing, the resisting of entreaties on the part of friends to join them in their pleasures.

After receiving its instruction, the Will passes on the order through the conscious to the sub-conscious mind, but unless your Will is naturally very strong it does this in a half-hearted manner.

Although this supposed course of study is of the utmost importance, for without it you cannot succeed in your profession or calling, yet the Will is so weak it cannot impress this sufficiently upon the sub-conscious mind, with the result that there is very little driving force behind your efforts. For a time the studies go along successfully.

For one thing the first lessons are always easy, and for another, there is the novelty and freshness of the new work, and the glow of self-satisfaction at having entered upon a self-appointed task.

But after a time the tasks get more difficult and require more application and concentration, the calls of friends to join them in their pleasures become more insistent

The video contained was used with permission by Julius Horsthuis
Julius is an amazing artist check out his website http://www.julius-horsthuis.com/
You can see his youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPYiwZRSN8w5ZodY4MvflJQ
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On vimeo https://vimeo.com/juliushorsthuis
On instagram https://www.instagram.com/julius.horsthuis/

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