Tag Archives: neville goddard states

Neville Goddard The Bible Your Biography || EP 247

Neville 02-05-1963 THE BIBLE – YOUR BIOGRAPHY When I tell you the Bible is your biography, I am actually saying that you are God, and I mean it. We are told in the 82nd Psalm: “I say, ‘You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like men, and […]

Neville Goddard Brazen Impudence || EP 245

Neville 09-27-1968 BRAZEN IMPUDENCE A new idea will not become part of your common currency of thought until it has been repeated over and over and you begin to live by it. You have been taught to believe that God exists outside of you, but I say you are all Imagination. That God exists in […]