Dr Frank B Robinson Psychiana Lesson 4 The Living God || EP 693

 Dear friend and fellow-student:

Now we come to Lesson number Four. It is an intensely interesting Lesson, and is of vital importance to you in your studies. It is one of the most important Lessons of them all, for the profound truths it contains are the most fundamental you have ever studied or dealt with. This is the Lesson which has brought the amazing number of complimentary letters to us from all over the world. It has revolutionized the thought and life of a good many of our students, and has been the cause of an entirely new vision of the Creative Spirit behind this universe. So study it very carefully and very thoughtfully, and very earnestly. Read it over and over again. Drive home into the very core of your being the mighty truths this fourth Lesson discloses. There are other Lessons equally as interesting as this one is, and also as dynamic, but I especially want you to grasp this one please. For it contains the key to the others which follow later.

You have come to me in your search for health, success, and happiness, and you believe that I know the way. I KNOW that I know the way, and am now, through these Lessons showing it to you. You, of course, are in earnest in these studies. You actually want the good things of life, don’t you? There are hundreds of thousands trotting around this old globe who are not in the slightest degree interested in either financial success, good health, or happiness. Some of them have never tasted happiness. They do not know what it means. Others there are who don’t seem to care whether they ever amount to anything or not. They live their lives, or rather, they exist out their lives, and thoughts of the higher, nobler, better things of life never seem to come to them. They just simply are not interested at all. As long as they have a JOB which keeps them in eats and sleeps, they seem to be abundantly satisfied. But I don’t think you are that sort of a person. I know you are not.

You would not have put yourself in my hands if you had been, and now that you are in my hands for this unusual teaching, I earnestly want to show you the LAW which CAN and WILL, and MUST bring whatever right and needed things you desire into your life when this mighty Creative God-LAW is complied with. And when that happens there can be no failure. And right here let me say to you that if there is no desire, no real desire in the life for the better things, the chances are many to one against any of these better things ever manifesting. In fact, it is practically an impossibility for life’s finer things to come, where the earnest intense desire for them is absent. It is a part of the LAW that first of all the DESIRE MUST BE THERE. In your individual case I KNOW it is there or you would not have enrolled with me. I do not know what in your particular case the particular need may be. Nor do I care. All I am asking at this point is that you remember that you are in earnest in your search for the LAW controlling every good thing life has to offer. If I thought the students who will read this would not be in earnest, then I promise you it never would have been written. But it has been written, and it HAS gripped thousands of people all over the world, and we have not gotten off to a good start yet.

For the day is coming when the truths of the GOD-LAW as this course of instruction reveals them to you, will be known all over the world. What a change will there be then. What a difference that will make. This ceaseless and ofttimes useless struggle against poverty, ill health, unhappiness, will be a thing of the past in the life of the one knowing how to utilize the GOD-LAW as Jesus understood and used it.

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Music By Mettaverse

golden lotus

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