Transurfing the Pendulms – overcoming destructive pendulums |Ep 16

The world creates destructive thought pendulums that pull us into realities outside of our control. Pendulums can take you away from your ability to create the reality you want. Brian dives deep into a discussion about Vadim Zeland’s concept of pendulums. What are they, how they work, and how Zeland says we can overcome them.

Music by Chris Zabriskie
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International— CC BY 4.0

Music by Chris Zabriskie
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International— CC BY 4.0

Welcome to the reality revolution podcast. I’m your host Brian Scott. This podcast is dedicated to the spirits who believe life is meant to be magical and fun. It contains advanced viewpoints for the multidimensional human beings of the 21st century. Here we’ve ventured to share the mysteries of self. In reality, our primary purpose is to reawaken your sense of fascination and towards life to shatter your original belief systems and ways of seeing the world. My goal is to hack your reality, to help you unleash potential and the open unlimited possibilities of wealth, health, and relationships in your life, and to explore the mysteries of the universe. So let’s talk about this. Today we’re going to talk about pendulums. That’s the topic that I want to talk about. What is a pendulum in reality? Trans Surfing by Vadim Zealand, one of the most interesting concepts that he talks about, which is not talked about enough in advanced law of attraction literature, literature that is really profound and effective. You see commentary about it by different people when they talk about the law of attraction or the idea that we can create our own reality that is different than the idea of traveling through parallel realities. They are, they have some similarities to each other and it’s part of the reason why to me the law of attraction works when you understand the quantum model of reality, but understanding that the law of attraction does work like attracts like the idea that on some level you are creating your reality through your thoughts. The one thing that always bothered me is we’re not just talking about, well if that’s true then a group of people’s thoughts would be much, much more powerful and much more difficult to maneuver through. And so even though we can create our realities by the habits we take by our subconscious thoughts, by monitoring and changing our thoughts, we’re still sucked into large groups of people that think in a certain way. And what happens, you get pulled into this group and it just, it makes scientific sense when you have more than one person and you are thinking about something then that the your thoughts together create greater power. Going back to Napoleon Hill’s think and grow rich and the idea of the mastermind group and now you see this explosion of mastermind groups where people form groups to go over ideas. I have several mastermind groups myself and considering creating another one. The idea is when you get multiple people together discussing different topics and trying to solve problems, you end up solving them faster. You have greater creativity, but there’s a dark side to this and that’s the idea of the destructive pendulum and it’s something that you have to become aware of in this world if you want to manifest your ultimate dream or reality. And so I want to discuss this. I want to discuss my take on it and what pendulums and how I can maneuver through pendulums because honestly we can’t completely do it, but let’s talk about what pendulums are. Zealand explains that we are taught from childhood to obey the will of others to perform our duties, serve our country, our family, the company we work for a political party, the state or in many cases and idea to serve anyone except ourselves and to varying degrees. Everyone has a sense of duty or responsibility and necessity and guilt. With all of these things. Everyone is ready to serve a group or organization in one way or another, be it family, a club, a school accompany, a political party, the state and so on. And all these structures emerge and develop. When a separate group of people begin to think and act in the same way, this phenomenon probably exists from the very beginning of time. Then they’re joined by others and the structure grows, gaining strength, forcing its members to follow the rules and eventually amassing the potential to gain control over large groups of people, sucking these people into this particular reality defined not by themselves, but by someone else. And on the material level, the structure that we’re talking about consists of a group of people many times United by common goals. And then material objects take form. There’s buildings, furniture, equipment, machinery, technology. All of it’s a part of this pendulum. But on an energetic level, a structure begins to appear when people think in the same way and as a result of which the parameters of their thought energy are identical and they’re thought energy. Finally uniting to a single current. And if you study ancient mythology, there’s this idea of the Igor Igor is a magical creature that has created just purely through the power of a group thought. And if you watched the American gods on Starz or, or read the wonderful book by Neil Gaiman, which is fantastic. The idea is gods created by our thought and that these gods exist in the world because we have, we think about them. So imagine that idea. There’s an idea that something can exist. When a group of people start to think about it enough, we see it, we see it with political parties, we see it with our government, we see it with our city, we see it with our school that we’re in and the gangs and the clicks and the groups. And it’s incredible when you go on Facebook, when you go on Twitter, when you look at groups that formed just on any reddit forum, the forum, the groups, the groups, everybody wants to form into these groups, which is how we are. It’s who we are. But we don’t become aware that by doing this and by giving into these pendulums, we take away our power to shape and control our own reality. It’s happened to me. And in some cases it can be so vicious. You can fall into a pendulum and lose your life. The state can take you. All kinds of things can happen. So this independent information structure is what an energy pendulum and that’s what’s Zeeland is talking about. And it takes a life of its own life and its subs. You get to its own laws and the very people who create it, the structure begins to become almost like it has sentience and so it wants to have more and more adherence. Feed it with energy like almost like a vampire. The more powerful grows. It doesn’t care about you, it just wants your energy. Every pendulum has its own characteristic frequency, so there are some good pendulums and bad pendulums and there’s no way you can avoid being in these pendulums understanding that you awaken to the fact that these pendulums are controlling you is probably the most important part of this. Okay? For example, if when he’s talking about a frequency of the pendulum, Zealand gives an example. If you wanted to get a swing moving, you have to push it to a certain rhythm or frequency. This is called a resonant frequency. If the number of adherence decreases, the force of its swing is weakened and if it all loses herons, the pen and it will stop moving completely there by ceases to exist as a separate identity. Examples that he gives up. Defunct pendulums are ancient pagan religions, stone tools, ancient weapons, outdated trends of fashion and vinyl records, which are still as a pendulum. I have mountain many of in my house, but he does say that you can be surprised the number of things that actually list and qualify as a pendulum. And once I read this book and I started to really analyze it, first of all, I had a little bit of shame because I was pulled into all kinds of pendulums. Of course, we just went through a political election, which was very divisive for this country and it was its own pendulum. And the thing that Zealand’s arguing is that it doesn’t matter if you’re for or against, if you get up and say how you know, whatever you want to say, how dare you, or your great whatever side of the argument. You take your feeding at energy and the pendulum doesn’t care if you like it or hate it, but by just contributing to it, you feed it energy. Any structure whose particular features were created by collective thought energy represents a pendulum. According to Zealand, generally speaking, all living beings capable of writing eight energy at a particular vibration will sooner or later form and her energy pendulum. There’s lots of examples of pendulums in nature such as like he gives bit bacterial colonies, populations of living creatures, schools of fish, herds of animals, forests, prairies, ant hills. Essentially all are organized homogenous structures made up living organisms. Those can all be pendulums, every leg of living organism, not just humans, represents a single unit of energy and so can be considered as an elementary pendulum. So the word pendulum is the word that Zealand’s using, but he’s really referring to can be a group. It can be a movement of energy as far as you can tell, but it’s coming from living creatures. The group pendulum exists as an independent entity, such rules, fortune here, inch to follow, partly to keep them together, but also a Tuesday to attract new ones. This type of entity is independent in the sense that it develops according to its own laws. It’s a hearings are unaware of the fact they’re acting in accordance with the laws of the pendulum and not of their own will. For example, a bureaucratic apparatus develops as an independent structure irresponsive of the will of its individual officials. Okay. Of course, an influential official is free to make their own decisions, but only to the extent that they do not contradicts the laws of the system. So the purpose of the pendulum is not only to get energy from adherence, whether it is their personal benefit or not. When a person comes under the influence of a system, they’re focused to build their lives in accordance with its laws. Otherwise the system will chew them up and spit them out. Once under the influence of a destructive pendulum, you can easily end up ruining your entire life and as a rule is difficult to break free without suffering losses. If a person is lucky, they find their place within system and feel home there. Of course there’s always people that find a way to into the system you’d hearing gives their energy to the pendulum, which in return provides the individual with an environment. If a follower rebels against the laws of the structure of the frequency there thought energy ceases to be in harmony with the resonance frequency of the pendulum being deprived of the essential energy. The pendulum either derives the maverick and hearing out of the system or destroys them. If, however, a person has ended up a long way away from a lifeline favorable to their growth life inside the structure of an alien pendulum can be soulless as hard labor or just turn into a very sad existence. In this case, the pendulum was purely destructive to the adherent, whether they like it or not. The person who falls under a pendulums influence loses their freedom. Being forced to live by imposed laws and becoming a small cog in a big machine that said, an individual can find themselves under protector ship of a pendulum and achieve outstanding results. The examples that Zealand gifts, no put Napoleon Hitler, Stalin. I’m sure that they all lived great lives because they were being protected by the pendulum and being used. This does not mean the pendulum was actually concerned for their personal wellbeing and exploited them to its own ends. When you look at the Nuremberg rallies for Germany there, they’re scary and the entire sole of the beautiful country of Germany, you can feel their sadness with it. And the thing is they got caught up into these pendulums and the energy pulled people along on this incredibly destructive path. The pendulum uses sophisticated methods to lure new adherence. You fly to it like moths to a flame. How often people are perceived by pendulums advertising tricks and move far away from potential happiness. That was so close. Young men leave for the army and lose their lives. And I’m not saying it’s bad to join any army and we can get into that later. As long as you’re not giving your thought energy to this thought structure, you become awakened to it. Students go to university learning in vain to master a profession that is not really for them. And you read about the news, people spending millions of dollars to get their kids into a college so they can get them into certain pendulum, pendulum, Cronkite, its motives behind very well meaning masks, and yet its activities can ruin the lives of its adherence. The greatest threat to the pendulum poses to the individual is that it leads its victims away from other lifelines or they would be able to find happiness. Those are the destructive features of a pendulum. And so we know it’s striving to attract as many followers as possible to source as much energy as possible. And you can see examples of that all around. You see examples of that with gangs that form an inner cities. You see examples of that with gangs that form in other countries or gangs and all cities. You see the power of these pendulums groups of people form. So what do we do? How do we, how do we maneuver through this? We have to understand more of how pendulum works. A pendulum acts aggressively towards anyone who refuses to follow it, attempting to win them over, neutralize their position or get rid of them. A pathend pendulum hides behind masks and lofty ideas and it plays on people’s feelings to justify its actions and attract as many adherence as possible. Essentially the pendulum is what I was saying before, this thought monster, like the old mythic creature, the eat Grigor and it plays more of a feature in your lives and then you might think, okay, he gives Zealand gives an example in the book of somebody playing soccer game and he misses the goal and everybody throws all of their feelings of anger at the player ready to tear him into pieces and it reminded me when I was at a bronco game in the playoffs playing the Ravens and Flaco through this beautiful ball and beat the Broncos was very tough. I was there, but the anger that we had or that we all through unleashed on the poor safety that fail to deflect the ball for the Broncos because this was an in the, in the Denver Stadium, where did that energy go? That was this massive negative energy. So the pendulum is part of the system of energy. You would think that from such an attack of negative emotion, the player would die on the spot, but he remains alive and well, probably a little bit crushed and sad, guilty. This is because the negative energy directed towards the player is absorbed by the pendulum. It comes back to you. It comes back to all of the people putting it out. If that weren’t the case, the individual would, would explode or become the auto of sub tape that he would, you know, he would float above the ground. So I’m no judge of whether an a pendulum is an annulment energy or simply an energy form. And I don’t believe that Zeeland is saying that either on either way. There’s not affect what we’re, what I’m trying to say. The most important thing is to recognize that a pendulum to, to recognize when a pendulum is affecting you and to avoid being drawn into its game unless you stand to benefit. And there are lots of situations where you can see the wave of fortune take over and you can move into positive pendulums. And I believe that we can create positive pendulums. Now that we understand its power, we can create a pendulum that can work against other pendulums. Pendulum has one goal is to track as many supporters as possible distorts its energy. That’s what we know. If we can create the energy of love, happiness, why not? If we understand the power of the pendulum, these groups are destructive to the individual because whatever way they look at it, they will still feed on a person’s energy with no concern for that individual’s happiness or wellbeing. That’s why you see corporations and organizations like these coffer compassion to others yet remain indifferent to their own employees. Okay. If a person feels comfortable and genuinely happy working for such an organization and there’s some great ones out there and they have probably found their vocation and pendulum is a place for them to beat. However, it’s also important to be honest with yourself and ask yourself whether you’re not perhaps wearing the mask of the benefactor. Are you donating your energy and money for the good of others with true sincerity or as being involved in some charity, just an attempt to feel better like a better person or look good. Destructive pendulums have trained people out of choosing their own destiny because of individuals retain enough independence to have freedom to choose. It will be much harder for the pendulum to attract so many followers. So the pendulum’s don’t want you to have freedom. Our mind is so used to the idea that our fate is our lot in life, that we have to accept whatever fate falls before us, that we find it difficult to believe that we can simply choose a destiny that is more, are liking it is an, it is advantageous for pendulums to keep their adherence under control. So they invent all sorts of ways to manipulate them. Here’s some examples that that Zealand gives transferring, um, could become a pendulum, but trans surfing itself, the idea of trans surfing itself could become a pendulum. Any idea can become a pension. Yeah. But the examples that I can think of for pendulums or just numerous and you see them every day and as I mentioned in this podcast, now that I’ve kind of given you an idea of it, start to notice the pendulum’s in your life. How are those pendulums affecting you? Okay. I notice I have a Facebook pendulum for sure that I pull myself into. I have an Instagram pendulum. And so I think that social media itself is a pendulum. The Internet is a pendulum. So I find myself not wanting to pull myself into certain discussions and certain things. The Internet is a gigantic, what would we call it? A marketplace for pendulums of the, of your own choice all around you. That is one reason why the void meditation is so powerful. When you go to the void, you can connect to the source. And perhaps the idea that the, all of these thoughts, dreams trying to pull you in one direction or another, is why it’s so difficult for many people to see the benefits of the law of attraction and why so many people truly feel helpless. Like they cannot control their environment. They’re not [inaudible] the power of their minds to create reality doesn’t exist. And so it’s, it’s easy for, for me to see that, okay, people don’t want to have this negativity, but you get what you do not want. A lot of times with the pendulum in a pendulum can be powered both by its supporters and its opponents. The idea of simply giving your your energy to it, so it’s tough. We don’t want to live a boring life where we don’t care. We just need to wake up. We need to wake up to the fact that these things are influencing us. Everyone is confronted with negative information or challenging events and sometimes these things are simply pendulums pulling us in one direction or another. Sometimes bad news and unfortunate events or provocation on the part with the pendulum. People do not want to have this negativity in their lives and generally speaking, they always respond in one of two ways. If the information that they receive is not too hurtful, they let it go and it’s quickly forgotten. If the provocative information is annoying or frightening, it touches a chord and the person’s soul than their mental energy is captured in the pendulums loop and the person is attuned to the resonance frequency events begin to unfold fairly predictably. The idea is recognizing these particular pendulums. It can be frightening. So if, if you’re getting bad news and it’s coming from the government, if a certain politician is being very fearful and creating events suddenly happening and saying how terrible they are, we have to ask ourselves, are we being pulled into a pendulum? Keep ourselves awakened. For example, and I’m not saying that in a political sense, but we for example, can let information about accidents and disasters pass the spy if we’re not directly affected by upset ourselves unnecessarily. Okay? As a rule, when you hear the news, a disaster are taking place or something somewhere in the world, but you’re on a lifeline where you play the role of a witness rather than the victim, the line which you are, the victim is somewhere further away. Conversely, if you allow yourself to take on board information about disasters and misfortunes and murders and discuss it with friends, it’s quite possible. You’ll soon shift to a lifeline or you’ll see you may want to end up as a role of the victim or you may see more of it around you in your life. And so the stronger you desire to avoid something, the more likely it is you’ll encounter it to actively fight against. What you do not want in your life is to make every effort to ensure that it’s present in your life. You do not have to take any specific action to shift onto an undesired lifeline. It is enough to think negative thoughts and then fertilize them with emotion and when you do not want there to be bad weather, you think about how much you dislike rain, noisy neighbors wear you down and you end up arguing with them all the time or silently hating them. You’re afraid of something and the fact greatly concerns you or you’ve had enough of your present job and you savior, you’re you savior, your dislike for it and your dislike becomes an emotion that you’re used to everywhere you are pursued by exactly the very thing that you do not want, that you fear, hate or despise. There may be other things that you would also like to avoid, but because you’re not investing in any negative emotions into them, they do not appear in your life. The idea is your reaction to the information. Once you let the thing that you do not want in your life, associate feelings of hostility with it and indulge in those screenings, it will instantly become a physical reality within your life layer. The only way to eliminate the things that you do not want from your life is to break free from the influence of the pendulum that has seized your thought energy. And from then on, avoid responding to its provocation or getting pulled into its game. You can free yourself from the pendulums influence in two ways by defeating it or by stopping it sway. You will look more closely at how we can do that to, and I will try to discuss some different ways that I think that we can defeat the pendulum, but this gives us a general idea of what Zeeland is talking about with pendulums. And he’s very powerful. And I can tell you from experience where I’ve coached people eight times out of 10 if they’re doing the right things, there’s some kind of pendulum that is affecting their thinking. And sometimes if you break down your own beliefs, your beliefs are being diminished by these pendulums or telling you that you’re not good enough, you’re not strong enough that you can’t do that thing, that you shouldn’t do that thing. You aren’t going to do that thing that doesn’t look right, that you’re going to be looked down upon, that it’s not the right thing to do, that you should never have done it anyway. That shameful that you did it. When all of these things, our thoughts from the pendulum to keep you with the pendulum, you are your own self and you can choose what you want in this life. When you come to realization of the power that you have, then you can reduce the importance of these pendulums. I would love to get your examples, a pendulums that have affected you. Please come to my Facebook group, reality revolution. I’d love to get some examples and I would love to talk about how you may be avoided these pendulums. I think one of the Great Things About Trans Surfing that we can, we can at least do is that we can create case studies of pendulums because what this book really does with Reality Trans Surfing is it gives us an idea of the pendulum and some examples on how to break it, but now that we know about these and we can attribute it to what our overall philosophy of mind manifestation works, then we can start to come up with some case studies. They don’t have to necessarily be predictive of where we have overcome pendulums ourselves and in in an attempt to avoid getting political. I can only say that I have chosen not to post political things and to avoid reading political news and I have decided that I will not support any candidate until close to the very end. I believe I can make my decision very quickly with within within a week or so. If you read Tim Ferriss’ four hour work week, he does. He believes the same thing. Couple of days before the election, he’ll actually look into who he wants to vote for. He’ll talk to as good close friends. He’ll read a little bit and he can make his decision. We don’t need to be pulled into a political cycle, and if you see in my experience, if I see somebody that makes a ridiculous comment online and my first response is to just say, no, you’re wrong. I’m being pulled into that pendulum and I am a victim of the pendulum and I’m still surviving from the scars of the pendulums that I got sucked into and my Facebook friends can tell you that I certainly was too political and the worst thing that I can. I think that if you, if you have anything to say politically, it’s not going to change anybody’s mind, especially on Facebook. People already have made up their minds. If for some reason you think that your voice being out there works, then I think that you should look for the way that your voice works in the positive way, but wrench herself out to the situation. Don’t pull your thoughts to it so that it can affect your life because you’re living this life, not some politician’s life, not somebody else’s life. You’re living your life everyday when you wake up. And so if you let the pendulums affect you, if you let this group over here that tells you that this is what you should be doing, and this group over here saying that you’re just not good enough in this group over here that says that you’re not pretty enough, and this group over here that says that you never didn’t, that you’re never gonna make it that way. All of these pendulums are defeating you. And now I say we rise up and overcome these pendulums, but I would love to hear your stories of pendulums that you have dealt with. Trying to battle with a pendulum is futile according to Zealand. So for me to tell you that we can, we can overcome all these pendulums in many ways it’s futile if you understand that going into it. When you battle with a pendulum, you just end up supplying it energy. That’s the point. It’s like the Chinese finger toy. The more you battle with it, the harder it is to remove. The first and most important condition for successfully defeating a pendulum according to Zealand, is to refuse to get into conflict with it. Firstly, the more actively try to fight off pendulums is that you get down. The more they will pressure you. You can repeat endlessly, leave me alone, get away from me and think you’re fighting them off. But actually you’re just providing them with energy, making them cling to you even more. Secondly, you do not have the right to judge or change anything. Everything you see and experience should be accepted as if there were paintings on display, whether you like them or not. So what I’m calling out my friends that are obsessed with politics, and I understand, I understand the horrors and the joy that you may have. I have friends on both sides of the political spectrum and there’s good people that know, that know how to love that mean well that had been misled, that do not understand, that had been pulled into vicious pendulums that deny them the ability to truly understand what’s going on. I’m saying you can’t, don’t have to be pulled into that either. I’m saying to let it go, to open up to oneness, to open up to the universe in a different way. Yeah, I think we can do this so you don’t need to battle with it. All right. Everything you see and experience should be accepted as if you’re their paintings on display, whether you like them or not. There may be many paintings in an exhibition that are not to your taste, but it would never occur to you to demand they’d be removed from the exhibition room. So once you’ve recognized the pendulums right to exist, you have the right to leave it behind. Remaining free of its influence. The main thing is not to fight it, judge it, get angry or lose yourself control. Because by doing so, you agree to play the game. The pendulum should be commonly taken for granted as a necessary evil and left at that. Any position of opposition supplies the pendulum with energy before you can fully understand what it means to choose. You have to know how to decline. Most people have a vague idea of what they do, not what they do want, but know exactly what they do not want. And I find that the most when I’m trying to understand somebody’s true purpose, it’s easier to find out at the, at the beginning of what somebody doesn’t want to have happen in an effort to get rid of things or events they do not want in their life. People act in a manner that has the opposite effect. To decline something, you have to first accept its existence. The word except is the context does not mean to embrace something and let it into your personal space. It means simply to recognize its right to exist and then pass indifferently to accept and let go of something means to consider the meaning of something and let it pass, waving goodbye as it leaves. This is much more effective and letting something into you and to your personal space becoming attached to something and then trying to oppose it. When you think about the things that you do not want, you attract a further into your life. Imagine pears apples rather than simply paying them no attention. It irritates the person that Apple’s exist on a material level. They get annoyed every time they see an apple and openly expressed their disgust on an energetic level. That energy of that discussed is expressed when they see the apple. The body doesn’t know sometimes the difference between the energetic level of the disgust or or or joy because some of the same chemicals are produced so on an energetic level, the person may well be hungrily pouncing on apple, stuffing their mouths with chomping loudly, screaming about how much they hate apple, stuffing, apples, stuffing their pockets only to be sick. Once again, complaint how much they cannot stomach apples and suddenly see apples everywhere. What the person does not realize that you could simply delete apples from the experience of life and it does not matter whether you love or hate it. Your thoughts are latched onto the object of your emotions. Your thought energy will be attuned to a circle, certain frequency, and you will end up caught by a pendulum and transferred to a corresponding lifeline or reality or the object of your fixation is present in abundance. So if you want to get moved into some parallel reality where there’s a lot of apples, if you hate apples, then start to detest them. It’s tough. It’s an easy response to be angry and it detested and disgusted by something because in this world there are some things that are so disgusting that you cannot stop thinking about them and they literally pull your mind away. This is a mental process that can transform your life to escape from the pendulum. You know what’s right and wrong. You know the choices that you need to make. Do you need to be sucked into some of these pendulum? Do you do really need to be sucked into some of these pendulums? Is it important for you to go on, make that political argument? If you want to eradicate something from your life, all you have to do is stop thinking about it. This can be hard. There are, there are things that are tough for me to stop thinking about. I am definitely sucked into the marvel pendulum. My pendulum is I will watch every marvel movie the day it comes out. I’ve read millions of marvel comics and I know everything about the universe of marvel and so yes, this is a pendulum in my life. Fortunately it is not a destructive pendulum and I accept it completely. So that is an example of it couldn’t pendulum, but if you want to eradicate something in your life, you have to stop thinking about it. Pass it by with indifference. That’s if you want to eradicate and it will disappear to an La to eliminate something from your life, ignore it. Do not avoid it. There’s a difference when you avoid something, it means you have to let it into your personal space are now actively trying to get rid of it. To ignore something means not to react to it and consequently not to experience his presence in in your space. Imagine that you’re a radio and if your day to day life is like waking up everyday listening to a radio program that you hate, all you have to do is tune into a different frequency. Okay? You might think that you can protect yourself from unwanted pendulums by putting up iron boundaries between yourself and the world, but this is an illusion. Putting on protective armor is like saying, I’m a blank wall. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I do not know anything. I want to talk to anyone. I am unavailable. It requires a huge amount of energy to do that as well. A person who is deliberately isolate themselves from the world will find themselves in a constant state of tension. [inaudible] I just read a devastating article about the people in Japan in Hong Kong right now that literally stay in their homes and are capable of leaving and the amount of energy that would, that would take, and it saddened me so we’re not talking about becoming hermit. When you ignore the pendulum, it’s energy will pass you by dissipating into space without causing you any harm. Pen Pencil and cannot push your buttons are upset you if you’re empty and relationships to it. The pendulums principle objective is to attract as many of adherence as possible and reap their energy. So as a basic example of this would be like a dog that starts falling. You embarking loudly. Now if you turn around to face the dog, that will bark even louder and yet if you take it seriously and start to try and dodger fighted, the dog will follow you for a long time. But just because it wants someone to lock horns with. If you ignore the dog from the outset, it will simply switch its attention to the next person that comes along that they can bark at. The dog is to absorb in its goal of sourcing energy. To think of anything else. The dog is the metaphor for this. So you understand that by facing down the dog and barking at it and it barks back at you. There’s things in your life that make you angry. There’s things on TV that make you angry. If you’re going to bark at it, you’re going to get barked back. Stop giving away your energy means to stop thinking about them altogether. To erase from your mind. When you can say to yourself, you’re not worth it and really mean that the PR, the person or thing will disappear from your life. You often can. We’ll come across situations however, where it is not that easy to ignore the pendulum. We have bosses that we work with that we can’t necessarily leave immediately or family members. If you’re built Boston, man, something from you and outright refusal or open defense of yourself would would entail a loss of energy so you can however, act as if you are willing to play the pendulums game. As long as you remain aware of the fact inside that you’re just pretending, stopping a pendulum there situations where the pendulum cannot be defeated, which means it cannot be ignored. Her escaped Zealand talks about a friend once who I was really nice, kindhearted guy who who was incredibly strong and a bunch of people came up to him and they’re trying to look cause trouble and he was able to fight them back and that was able to stop the pendulum. But that was an unusual set search at circumstance because most people are not able to defeat three people that come after them. But then habit of negative really reacting to unpleasant circumstances triggers the pendulums mechanism for capturing thought energy. And that’s an important sentence that Zeeland is talking about. He’s giving the specifics of how energy is pulled in by the men. So it’s your reaction that this habit will fade if you decide to play your own game in which you deliberately substitute negative emotion with positive emotion, confidence for fear, enthusiasm for gloom and difference for resentment. Joy for irritation, try reacting inappropriately to small nuisances. You have nothing to lose. It might seem silly game to play with the pendulum. You will have no chance. The game style only seems silly because pendulums have trained us to exclusively play the games that are to benefit them. You can experiment with forcing pendulums to play your game. You will enjoy it and it will be surprised to discover what a powerful technique it is. The working principle is this. When you radiate thought energy at a different frequency to the pendulum’s resonance frequency, you’re in a dissonance with the pendulum, the dissonance stills, the pendulum sway in relationship to your personal energy. The result being that the pendulum leaves you in peace. There’s another interesting method the Zealand mentions. If something is causing you a problem and you’re trying to work it out and it could be health confidence and peace of mind that’s bothering bothering. If you think that these are three things that would, there are three things that we all need to be filled. Ask yourself what the person you are finding so challenging might really need at that moment. For example, you know if your boss shouts at you, maybe you’re tired or having problems at the home and what they really need is a little piece of mind. So trying to figure out what their problem is and giving the can divert their energy so you give them confidence. Imagine in your mind with your own thought energy, something positive for them, and so they leave the scene and the vibration changes. He also gives another example of giving a tiny piece of your own energy to avoid joning it. Sometimes you just by simply acknowledging someone you can get out of the energy. The technique is based on the principle, so you give the pendulum your energy, but only a tiny piece of it in comparison to the amount of energy you could have lost had you been drawn into the pendulum. Yeah, and the person that you give the energy to will be a little bit friendlier and it’ll be easier to divert away from the pendulum. I’m sure we could talk about some examples of that. I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on that. Just the idea is these pendulums focus, our thinking and narrow our information, our access to the alternate space in the information field. It we, it’s like a narrow corridor. We can’t see the big picture of what’s really going on. Keep whatever your problem you are dealing with in perspective and remain aware of pendulums intent to trick you into playing its game. Rent yourself out, be detached. That’s the basic. So you want to avoid going into a suspended state. He uses the term suspended state. When there’s your outside of the influence of the pendulums, then it’s also a bad thing. So the the opposite of the pendulum is discussed as the wave of fortune and that’s just by making the choice of the things that you want in life. We can talk more about the waiver fortune, but he says that in, in the alternate space there, they’re favorable to us. That’s a cascade of pleasant, pleasant events may not always follow the first, but the sign of good fortune please you and lift your spirits and the cascade of Simi definitely follow the wheel of fortune and blue bird of happiness are not simply abstract metaphors. The wave of fortune is really a set of lifelines that are auspicious for you personally and is located in the alternate space. Contains everything including lines like golden phase and run through the information field. If you can find access to the source and you find the outer line of the golden vein and catch onto the piece of good luck, you can slide by an inertia onto the other lifelines where events of a similar nature are accumulated and new set of fortuitous circumstances await you. Okay. That is the way we’re fortunate and we’ll carry you into a happy lifelines if we follow pendulums that carry us into these wave of fortune, keeping our minds positive with the right kind of thoughts. The Way with fortune touches your life in the form of good news and brings you into other lifelines. The task is to grab the rope and pull yourself onto that line and the information that you’re getting it from by pulling yourself onto that lifeline. That is the metaphor that Zealand gives. Sometimes the wave will pass you by, but the wave doesn’t pass you by. It is always there, so people are inclined to believe that it’s hard to catch. You do not have to make a huge effort to saddle a wave of good luck. It is a question of choice. If you accept the waiver fortune into your life, it will stay with you. If you follow you, allow yourself to be influenced by a destructive pendulum and become immersed in the negative energy, you will be distanced from the wave of good fortune. This is heady stuff and I don’t want to bore you. I find this very fascinating and I’m still coming to grips with it. I have read this book dozens of times and listened to it and thought about it and the two things that are very unique or the concepts of importance and the concept of pendulums. I would love to hear what your thoughts are on it. These are the things that Zeland talks about. Be aware of these thought patterns and you will have greater power over your reality and you can help join the reality revolution today. Ride that wave of fortune into the reality revolution with me. Please email me at [email protected] it is truly a pleasure that you spent all this time with me listening on this topic. I am cannot tell you how grateful I am. Please reach out. I’d love to hear your thoughts. If you have any topics that you want me to talk about, please let me know. I’m open to talking about any of this stuff. I want to go deep on these topics and we can explore them together. Contact me if you’d like me to create a guided meditation that’s particular to whatever situation that you have and I would love to try to do that for you. I really want to help you on. I hope these things help you find greater wealth, health, and relationships in your life and can’t wait to talk about this stuff some more and I really appreciate the time that you spent with me. Thank you.