Tag Archives: walk in souls

Ruth Montgomery Starseeds And The Power Of Light And Darkness || EP 883

In this episode Ruth Montgomery discusses starseeds and the forces of darkness further interviewing Bjorn Ortenheim who may have been a walk in of Einstein.  Ortenheim claims to speak to an entity referred to as POL or the power of light.  This comes from her book Aliens Among US which discusses walk ins and starseeds […]

The Power Of The Light A Walk In Testimonial || EP 848

In Ruth Montgomeries books Threshold of Tommorow and Aliens Among Us, Bjorn Ortenheim, a Swedish scientist-inventor was introduced and amazing story of his walk in experience was explained. Montgomery claimed Ortenheim has Einstein walk in.  It turns out there is much more to this story. As I did further research I found his amazing book […]

Ruth Montgomery – Starseed Dreams Of Arcturus || EP 834

Arcturus, one of the three brightest stars of the northern hemisphere, in the constellation Boötes, lies on a direct line with the tail of the constellation Ursa Major.   The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes it as an orange-colored giant star forty light-years from the sun. Ruth Montgomery met several fascinating people who are said to have […]

Ruth Montgomery – Walk-ins From Sirius || EP 795

SIRIUS, the heavenly body that the Guides identified as the previous abode of Joyce Updike, apparently possesses qualities that develop some highly unusual personalities.  Known as the Dog Star, in the constellation Canis Major, it is the brightest star in the firmament, and more than twenty times as luminous as our own sun. During the […]