Tag Archives: thoughts create reality

The Ancient Secret Of The Power Of Thought || EP 1528

It has been stated often, and quite truly, that thought is the greatest energy. History relates again and again how the destiny of mankind has been altered by new ideas, by the powerful thoughts of original thinkers. The vision of a united world led Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and more recently Hitler into their […]

Your Thoughts Create Reality || EP 1526

This is what it is all about. Yet I still get doubters all the time. Still after all this time, the greatest obstacle for many is the belief that their thoughts are not able to create reality. Before anything else you must come to an understanding of this important fact. Your thoughts create reality. So […]

Break Through The Barrier That Limits Your Prosperity || EP 1513

William E Edwards book Ten Days To A Great New Life outlines a way of thinking big about your financial goals and manifesting it.  Imagine taking what you are doing now and increasing by 10 times. This is a level of consciousness that you need  move to and work on like a muscle. Are you […]

A Blueprint For Prosperity || EP 1507

Welcome to the reality revolution, we have done many episodes on prosperity and abundance on the podcast. It has long been my goal to facilitate absolute prosperity in your life. Here I attempt to create a blueprint that you can follow to find prosperity using the law of attraction and other universal laws to create […]

The Law Of Supply || EP 1465

Nature originally intended that the real needs of man should be adequately supplied; not his surface wants, which are often impulses, but the normal specific needs of the individual, which would be abundantly satisfied were man to live in closer harmony with the fundamental law of supply. MAN IS NEVER SATISFIED. This fact is deplored […]

The Power Of Thought || EP 1386

Do you really know the power of your thoughts? While light travels at the rate of 1,86,000 miles per second, thoughts virtually travel in no time. Thought is finer than ether, the medium of electricity. If the mind dwells continually upon one train of thought, a groove is formed into which the thought-force runs automatically […]

The Law Of Gestation || EP 1055

The universal Law of Gestation states that every process needs to go through a period of time during which it is conceptualized and actualized.  All things take time to create.  Our ability to create is moving faster but understanding the law of gestation reminds us to continue on our path aiding the gestation of our […]

How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality By Brown Landone (With Commentary) || EP 1043

“How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality provides you with everything you need to know and do to achieve your ideal or vision. Here Brown Landone shows you: How it takes just five minutes a day to make you super-efficient, How to change a weak will into a strong will, How to form […]

Prosperity Thinking || EP 1041

“Where is the money coming from?” “How am I going to pay the rent?” “How am I going to get a new car?” “Why don’t I get a better job?” “Why don’t I get on faster?” “Why don’t I get a decent salary?” “Why can’t I be successful?” “Why don’t I get ahead?” “Why am […]

Coming Out Of Survival Mode And Into Abundance || EP 993

This episode is dedicated for those struggling with your finances.   If you are experiencing an ebb, with more money going out than is coming in, don’t panic. Do not lose confidence. in yourself or think that somehow you have failed.  The challenge of an ebb state is to believe in your future prosperity. Everything […]