Tag Archives: subconscious

U.S. Andersen The Secret Of Form || EP 731

As far as the eye can see, the mind project, and the spirit perceive, there is nothing but eternal and immutable law! Working with the tiniest unit of matter he can visualize, man observes that the atom has a nucleus and moving parts which circle this nucleus in never-ending motion. Working with the largest unit […]

U.S. Andersen The Mystery Of The Mind || EP 691

How accustomed we are to regarding mind objectively! How conditioned we are to thinking of mind as brain, an isolated accumulation of gray protoplasm two inches behind our foreheads! We give our approval to scientific techniques which trace out brain convolutions and nerve networks and tell us of the storage compartments of memory, the cellular […]

U.S. Andersen Evil Is An Illusion || EP 660

As the first step in our discussion of evil, let us sensibly get rid of both the devil and hell. Make up your mind that the intelligence that exists behind the universe does not destroy itself! The pain-ridden idea of hellfire as a place of punishment for sin is man’s own morbid idea; evil is […]

U.S. Andersen The Lock || EP 567

Somewhere, in some city, town or hamlet, there is a child being born. Somewhere pure spirit is inspired into form. And even now the Lock takes shape. Mighty is the anvil that forges this Lock, for it is the memory of the Subconscious Mind. Light, sound, discomfort, pain, roughness, dampness, hunger, smells – all impinge […]

Anthony Norvell The 10 Keys To Unlock The Metaphysical Forces Of Your Mind || EP 355

ANTHONY NORVELL (1908–1990) was a popular writer and lecturer on occult and esoteric topics, particularly the uses of visualization to bend reality to the individual’s personal will. He had a gift for making arcane ideas into workable, practical, and accessible methods. For many years, he lectured weekly at New York’s Carnegie Hall. The Million Dollar […]