Tag Archives: science of mind

Robert Collier – The Creative Force || EP 890

What is a word? A mental concept or image, is it not? In originating language, words were coined to represent certain images or objects. The word horse, for instance, calls to mind the image left upon the retina and the brain by what one has seen of that quadruped. But what if there were no […]

Donald Curtis Something Wonderful Is About To Happen || EP 869

The inner attitude of expectancy and the outer results always match each other exactly. Expectancy in our minds is the cause of everything that happens in our lives—both good and bad. How many times do we say, “I knew that would happen!” when something disastrous befalls us? And when something good happens, how often do […]

Robert Collier Manifest Anything Easily Using The Treasure Mapping Technique || EP 843

Collier presents several examples which are termed “Treasure Mapping.” The premise is simple, to create a map on a large piece of paper with words and pictures detailing every last item of an individual’s Dream, or true Desire. Including as much detail as possible is highly desirable. You can have anything you want if you […]

Guided Meditation Unity Of The Mind Field || EP 796

Our brains are amazing organs that handle millions of separate functions every minute.  Yet within this organ we discover that we have two different brains and much of what we do is limited and structured around our reliance on one hemisphere of the brain or the other.  For many of us our dominant hemisphere helps […]

Raymond Charles Barker You Are A Potential || EP 759

“No one has ever seen the Divine power within you, but it is there.  You are inward mind action, and as this action which is able to control your experiences, you are invisible. You are mind unfolding.  You are a movement of consciousness.  You are mind unfolding itself. Inside the individual there is always the […]

Ernest Holmes See Yourself As You Want To Be Your Aladdin’s Lamp || EP 745

In my talk today, I am comparing the Mind and the genius that dwells in it to the genie in Aladdin’s Lamp. If someone were to ask you, “Did you know that you are a genius?” would you laugh at him or would you take him seriously? You will remember the story of Aladdin and […]

Be Rich! By Robert Collier (unabridged audiobook) || EP 677

Here is a secret of riches and success that has been buried 1,900 years deep. Since time began, mankind has been searching for this secret. It has been found and lost again — a score of times. The Ancients of all races have had some inkling of it, as is proven by the folk tales […]

Raymond Charles Barker Decide To Live Richly || EP 557

The shortest, most used, and many think the best on its subject. Money Is God in Action created a minor sensation when it was announced in the Religious Notices page of the New York Times. Equating God with money was unheard of in New York, from St. Patrick’s Cathedral down to Wall Street’s Trinity Church. […]

Raymond Charles Barker – The Cause And Cure For The Common Cold And Sickness (With Treatment) || EP 532

You cannot afford to have the common cold, viruses, sinus troubles, postnasal drips, etc. They are a tremendous waste of time, energy and money. They are of no value and they teach us no lessons.“Americans will spend Three Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars ($350,000,000.00) on the prevention and cure of the common cold during the […]

Raymond Charles Barker Money Is God In Action || EP 514

The shortest, most used, and many think the best on its subject. Money Is God in Action created a minor sensation when it was announced in the Religious Notices page of the New York Times. Equating God with money was unheard of in New York, from St. Patrick’s Cathedral down to Wall Street’s Trinity Church. […]