Tag Archives: ruby nelson

The I AM GOD Exercise || EP 945

This episode I share the results of an amazing exercise we undertook in the facebook group Welcom To The Reality Revolution and the results of many in the group who shared their results in this excercise (If I mispronounce anyones name I am sorry) Here is the exercise that we undertook Class assignment 1 The […]

Vivian May Williams – Where To Find Heaven || EP 938

We have demonstrable proof that we are spiritual beings living in the world of heaven now. The way in which we prove whether our knowledge of Mind and Its manifestation, heaven, is correct or not is this: if anything appears to be inharmonious and we can realize that we are spiritual beings in heaven now, […]

The Door Of Everything By Ruby Nelson (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 929

Walk with me, the guiding voice of Father consciousness at the center of your soul, and I will lead you gently onward and raise your thoughts to the height of truth. I am the Light of Life within you, and I have continued to shine through all the darkness of your manifold experiences – but […]