Tag Archives: religious science

Robert H Bitzer – Dominant Mind || EP 1189

You are being dominated by something. It may be the house you live in, the food you eat, the clothes you wear. We are all dominated by things. It helps to examine what it is that dominates us in our lives. Here Robert Bitzer talks about the dominant mind and evaluates how to overcome what […]

The Creative Word By Robert H Bitzer (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 1118

Speak your word as you want things to appear, regardless of what the present appearance might be. Limited conditions reflect beliefs in limitation. Your word will destroy these false beliefs and create awareness of a larger expression.   The law of mind will accept the word that you speak and make it your experience. For […]

All Power To You By Robert H Bitzer (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 1098

THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO YOU – WHO, upon Life’s Highway seek Power To fulfill the Purpose of Being And attain your Highest Good, Understanding those around you- Expressing Love and Peace toward all: That YOUR Word my heal and prosper, Lifting those who need Strength, Bringing them Joy in their hour- Thus glorifying the […]

How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality By Brown Landone (With Commentary) || EP 1043

“How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality provides you with everything you need to know and do to achieve your ideal or vision. Here Brown Landone shows you: How it takes just five minutes a day to make you super-efficient, How to change a weak will into a strong will, How to form […]