Tag Archives: neville goddard live in the end

Guided Meditation The “I Remember When” Meditation || EP 249

Neville Goddard Explains in His Lecture “I Remember When” and “Believe It In.” You can say: “I remember when this was a glorious building and look at it now” as you become aware of rubble where once a glorious building stood. Or you can stand on rubble and say: “I remember when this was all […]

The Revision/Recapitulation Meditation (Neville Goddard) || EP 224

Neville Goddard says And now you have a mission, you have a purpose in life; it’s a noble purpose, because you have been selected to really become the chief gardener in the garden of God, and in the garden you must have pruning shears, and pruning shears is revision. You simply revise, and as you […]

Neville Goddard The Seven Eyes Of God || EP 179

Neville Goddard 6-11-1959 THE SEVEN EYES OF GOD …we must go on to higher and higher levels, for that is the purpose of the teacher. I would like to look tonight into what it is to my mind, the greatest book in the world, the Bible, and show you a section with which you may […]

Neville Goddard Many Mansions || EP 176

Neville Goddard 7/16/1969 MANY MANSIONS Tonight’s subject is: Many Mansions. You may be familiar with the subject from the 14th chapter of the book of John: “Let not your hearts be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions. Were it not so, would I have told […]

Neville Goddard The Book of Job || EP 172

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/f31524a1-6323-4f5f-9580-983cf6e24404?dark=true”></iframe> One unusually fascinating book in the bible may be the key to reality creation itself and in February of 1963 Neville gave this brilliant lecture which finally made me understand this book that when I first read it I was bewildered as to its meaning, only aware of […]

The Science of Getting Rich By Wallace Wattles Unabridged with Commentary || EP 165

The Science of Getting Rich is an all time classic, written in 1910 this will transform the way you look at getting rich. I have recommended this to so many people lately I decided why not narrate it with some killer music in the background. I try to listen or read this once a year. […]

Neville Goddard The Pearl Of Great Price || EP 164

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/3f48a1a9-1f1f-401f-a065-f8c120f975b0?dark=true”></iframe> The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it – 13th of Matthew Here we continue my series on different lectures by Neville Goddard. This is based […]

Interview with Twenty Twenty – Writer and Expert on Neville Goddard || EP 163

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/4619b59d-cf63-46dd-b4bc-bee8118b94d0?dark=true”></iframe> You are going to love this interview I had with Twenty Twenty. He is one of the biggest experts on Neville Goddard. I learned so much in this interview. Twenty Twenty is an amazing writer and a fantastic teacher of Goddard’s philosophy. Mr Twenty Twenty and his wife […]

Neville Goddard Live the Answer Now || EP 162

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/7615eb9e-c508-41fa-8249-14953599c38c?dar This is a part of a continuing series I am doing with deep dives of Neville Goddard Lectures. This episode is a Neville Goddard lecture originally presented on January 15 1968 Live the Answer Now “You do not have to have a dream of the night to influence […]

Neville Goddard the Art of Dying || EP 159

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/90049d64-c270-44c9-8840-62f89afe5f18?dar This episode we discuss another lecture by Neville Goddard called the Art of Dying Based on the title this is not what you think. In this is a profound lesson on shifting your state and letting go of the your past state. The art of letting go of […]