Tag Archives: letting go

Dr Joseph Murphy – Learn To Let Go In Life || EP 920

Lack of confidence and too much effort is the reason you do not get an answer to your prayer. Many people block answers to their prayers by failing to fully comprehend the workings of the subconscious mind. When you know how your mind functions, you gain a measure of confidence. You must remember whenever your […]

Overcoming Resentment and Guilt To Allow For Miracles || EP 905

One of the greatest obstacles to achieving miracles and desires in your life is resentment and guilt.  This episode is dedicated to how to deal with negative emotions, resentments and guilt to allow for miracles in your life. Releasing these powerful emotions transforms them from obstacles into stepping stones Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full […]

Guided Meditation The Release Meditation || EP 803

One of the greatest things you can do is release.  Release your past, release your thoughts, release your fears, release everything.  By making release an actual mantra it is incredibly powerful and it allow you to let go and release emotions, feelings, thoughts  and whatever is holding you back. This simple process will tranform you […]

Guided Meditation The Forgiveness Meditation || EP 704

I have deeply suffered from guilt and resentment in my life. It became so bad that I could not manifest anything.  I was blocking all of the good that could come into my life and the life of others because I believed I did not deserve it. If you can truly forgive your life will […]

Taking Life Too Seriously || EP 684

DO YOU take life too seriously? Do you let little things of no real consequence disturb you? Do you lie awake nights worrying about your conditions and picturing even worse things happening? And, even when you are able to have a good time or take things more easily, are you constantly telling yourself that you […]