Tag Archives: guided meditation activation

Guided Galactic Meditation New Earth Harmonic Convergence Oneness Activation || EP 396

For those interested in the concept of collective global consciousness or the relationship between science, indigenous prophecies, and galactic awakening, José Argüelles’ work is certainly a required reading for the topic. The first Harmonic Convergence was 33 years ago on August 16, 1987. The event was organized by José and Lloydine Argüelles Argüelles and was […]

Guided Galactic Meditation: Sending The Call – Quantum Starseed New Earth Activation || EP 389

This is not just a global meditation, this is a galactic meditation, with soul groups and entities from around the galaxy joining with us in this meditation. This video is the most powerful starseed activation for DNA, lightcodes and remembering available in 2020. You are drawn to this meditation for a reason, we have been […]