Neville Goddard The Storm And The Calm || EP 544

The Storm And Calm

Neville Goddard


If I succeed tonight in convincing you to accept this as your foundation of life, I think I can safely say you will find in that a freedom you have never known before. And, it is this, it’s quite simple, when asked what is the greatest of all the Commandments, he answered “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God the Lord is one” (Deut. 6:4). Now on the surface you say, so what. Yet if you understand it, accept it and live by it, you will discover there is only one cause. Listen to it carefully, “There is one God and Father of us all, who is above all, and through all and in all” (Eph. 4:5).

Here we see a universally diffused individuality. So I find out that he has a name and it’s his name forever and forever. What is the name? He said, “I AM” (Exod. 3:14). Everyone here knows that he is or she is, and whether you know who you are and what you are and where you are, you do know that you are; and knowing that you are you are saying “I am.” You could suffer from total amnesia, but you can’t forget that you are. Who, I need not know, where, I need not know, but I know that I am. So everyone knows that I am, and if God is one, then it is diffused universality…one individual completely diffused can’t be another. And if he is the sole cause of all that is then “all things were made through him and without him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3). So when I read the miracles of scripture, I see them as acted parables. And so, “Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?” “Then he arose and rebuked the wind and the sea and there was a great calm” (Mark 4:39). If there is only one cause, he who quelled the wind and the sea is he who caused it…there can’t be another. When I see the world and it seems confused to me and if I resolve it, well then, I who resolved it and that which was resolved was caused by the same being.

It can’t be another; there is no other. So, if there is only one God and Father of us all who is above all and through all and in all, well then, if he is in all, I know he is in me for I say “I am.” I also know he is in every being in this world. But although he is in every being and there are billions, he is in me and there is only one God, therefore I can’t say that he did it. His name is not “he is” or “she is”; his name forever is I AM. So I can’t pass the buck. No matter what it appears on the outside, I am the cause of the phenomena of life. No matter what it appears to be it can’t be another. If I will accept that fully, assume full responsibility for all the things that I observe…what I do not like know I am causing it and that I have the power to resolve it and change it, and exercise that power and see it change in my world…if I am willing to assume that responsibility, I am set free.

Now, if this universally diffused individuality, as scripture teaches, is in all, well then, I must have a different concept of the incarnation. They teach and talk about the incarnation as though it were some individual, some unique being, 2,000 years ago, who was the incarnate God, he and he alone. Not as I read scripture: Humanity is the incarnation. And if I read scripture correctly, the central figure personified as Jesus Christ only represents this perfect archetypal figure that all must express. So when we are told that he is the first witness, the true witness, the firstborn of the dead, well, here we are the dead in the sense that we have forgotten who we are.

For if God is the creator of all things and yet he is in me and his name is I AM, but I don’t see myself creating anything in the world that I am observing. I read the morning paper and she did it and he did it and all these things and I can’t relate myself to any of this that I see, it’s all on the outside—and yet there is only one cause. There’s only one God and that one God is resident in me: He’s my own wonderful human Imagination.

Well, what have I to do with that? I couldn’t be aware of it, it’s the storm…here is the storm. But when he was awakened, he entered the ship and as he entered the ship he fell asleep and then the storm arose and as the storm arose they were afraid, and they disturbed him, and the said, “Lord, we perish, save us.” And then he awoke and as he awoke he said, “Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?” Then he rebuked the wind and the storm and there was a great calm. He, the sleeping one, in his dream is causing the storm. Well, where is the boat? I am the boat: This is the ark of God, and in the ark of God all things are contained. Everything went into the ark. So “man is either the ark of God or a phantom of the sea and the earth.” Well, he is not a phantom; he is the boat and he who slumbers in that boat is God the Father.

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Music By Mettaverse

Invisible light

Equilibrium of the mind, body and soul

Purely powerfully quietly


Light holders

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