Category Archives: Analysis, Research, Discussion

Edgar Cayce – On Soulmates

Edgar Cayce, often known as the “Sleeping Prophet,” was a renowned American clairvoyant who made a wide range of psychic readings from the early to mid-20th century. Among his diverse topics, the concept of soulmates is one of the intriguing aspects he explored. Cayce’s insights on soulmates provide a unique perspective on human relationships, love, […]

Quazi Johir – Mastering Your Reality

Quazi is a reality creation coach who has developed a highly successful system that allows for profound transformations in his clients through identity shifting and reality transurfing. He documents his success stories on his Youtube channel which has outstanding daily content. You can see it here Quazi has a fascinating story growing up on […]

Manifesting Love From An Ideal Partner, Specific Person or Soulmate.

Imagine waking up every morning enveloped in a feeling so profound, so invigorating, that it colors every moment of your day with joy and contentment. This is the essence of true, lasting romantic love—a bond that transcends the ordinary, turning the mundane into the extraordinary. The power to shape your romantic destiny lies in your […]

Activating Your Power

This is a power activation. Simply by listening your will feel a new power activate to give you a greater ability to manifest and use your power. You have the power. You see, life has a way of testing us, of throwing challenges and obstacles in our path. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, to believe […]

Neville Goddard Commune With Yourself

2/4/1966 Tonight’s subject you will find very, very practical. It’s “Commune with Yourself”…that is the title. It is my aim from this platform to raise you to a confident faith in imagining. The logical end of this embodiment of faith in imagining is when “to believe” is not distinguishable from “to know.” True believing is […]

Q’uo – On Guilt

January 3 1999 We would like to ask Q’uo about guilt. When we feel guilt we are usually overtaken by the feeling and don’t know where it comes from. Could you give us information about where guilt comes from and how to work with guilt in our spiritual evolution. (Carla channeling)Q’uo We are those of […]

Deep Sleep Meditation – The Magnificent Life

This is a meditation designed around Anthony Norvell’s book The Magnificent Life which has a number of terrific affirmations and technique in meditation it is quite powerful. There is a constant and impelling urge within man to find the Magnificent Life. This inner urge colors his emotions and his every experience. It causes him to […]

Healing With Your Hands

Taken from the secret science behind miracles, Max Freedom Long discusses Lomilomi or the laying on of hands as it is practiced in the Hawaiian Huna tradition. Much can be learned from this ancient practice. In Hawaii and throughout Polynesia at a very early date, according to the semi-historical legends of the South seas, the […]

Hacking Your Memory

Memory is everything. If we lose it we lose everything we are. Or do we? How can we improve our memory to make it better? How can we hack it to take full advantage of it? Let’s explore the deepest corners of your mind, to uncover the mysteries of memory, and to discover how this […]

You Are God Awakening

In the beginning, before time as you know it, there was I – the Unnameable, the All-Encompassing. I existed in a state beyond words, a boundless expanse of consciousness, an ocean of potential. It was in this timeless realm that the universe was conceived, a thought born from the depths of my being, blossoming into […]