Tag Archives: william walker atkinson thought vibration

Alan Watts The Void, The Mirror and The Thunder of Silence || EP 238

In Buddhist imagery, the void is often symbolized by a mirror. A mirror has no color to it—it merely reflects all colors that appear in it. Huineng also said that the void was like space. Space contains everything—mountains, oceans, stars, good people, bad people, plants, animals, everything. And the mind is like that. Space is […]

Guided Hypnosis: The Future Life Hypnosis Explore Your Futures || EP 237

Quantum physicists hold that time, as we experience it on this physical plane, is an illusion and that there is only an eternal now. Yet, from the perspective of our daily consciousness, we are living completely entranced in the perceptions of the past and the anticipation of our future. Many of us are so haunted […]

The 12 Lessons of Raja Yoga Lesson 6: The Cultivation of Perception || EP 236

Man gains his knowledge of the outside world through his senses. And, consequently, many of us are in the habit of thinking of these senses as if they did the sensing, instead of being merely carriers of the vibrations coming from the outside world, which are then presented to the Mind for examination. We shall […]

The 12 Lessons of Raja Yoga Lesson 5: The Cultivation of Attention – Exercises and Meditation || EP 209

Attention has been defined as a focusing of consciousness, or, if one prefers the form of expression, as “detention in consciousness.” In the first case, we may liken it to the action of the sun-glass through which the sun’s rays are concentrated upon an object, the result being that the heat is gathered together at […]

12 Lessons in Raja Yoga Lesson 1: The “I” (Lesson and Meditation) || EP 178

“When the soul sees itself as a Center surrounded by its circumference—when the Sun knows that it is a Sun, surrounded by its whirling planets-then is it ready for the Wisdom and Power of the Masters.” This is the beginning of a new series of lessons based on the powerful book: A Series of Lessons […]