Tag Archives: visualization

Guided Meditation – Can You Imagine? || EP 1626

This is a wonderful meditation designed around questions that begin with can you imagine? This starts seemingly mundane questions that let you imagine the space and dimensions of body amplifying your awareness. This activates your imaginal mastermind, as we move further into the meditation you are guided to imagine your perfect future, with perfect love, […]

How To Unleash Your Secret Mental Powers || EP 1331

Frank Rudolph Young had a unique writing style and here I share his writings on how to unleash our secret mental powers You can change your life for the better here and now. What would happen if we increase the use of our brain power.   Vast strides of progress, greater imagination, inventions await if […]

Creativity, Imagination And Visualization || EP 1151

It is our task at this time to became masters in creating our reality. The fundamental skills that we must learn in order to do this is creativity, imagination and visualization are the key factors. How can we develop these three skills. Here through research and personal experience I try to help you to increase […]

Harold Sherman – The Power Of Visualization || EP 1096

WHEN YOU PLAN something in advance that you hope to accomplish, you are actually creating that something in your mind. It will ultimately be just as perfected in consciousness as your past accumulated experience and acquired ability, applied to this objective, can make it.   The Creative Power within can only help materialize for you […]

Opening The Minds Eye – Visualization Techniques || EP 836

Many people struggle with visualization.  Many people just see fuzzy images and really cannot create visualizations of things they want.  Many are unable to create even simple objects in their mind. This may be one of the reasons many are unable to manifest what they want. This episode goes deep on visualization.  We try to […]

Brown Landone The Vivid Imaging Technique || EP 674

Brown Landone was an Influential New Thought and metaphysical Leader. Dr. Landone was also prolific writer, authoring more than 100 books, covering such subjects as Leadership, Civilization, Peace and Religion. Brown Landone was born on the High Seas, on an American ship. His parents were both British by both. The family was somewhat wealthy and […]

How To Make Our Mental Pictures Come True By George Schubel (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 505

1922. In How to Make Our Mental Pictures Come True, Schubel presents a series of easy lessons in the art of visualizing. The lessons are presented in three parts. The first part is on the Mechanics of Visualizing and some of the topics include Photography of the Mind; Mental Camera-Eye, Mind’s Range-Finder and Mind’s Camera-Shutter. […]


he intention of this meditation is to guide you into a more powerful visualization using the reality transurfing technique for the target slide. Check out my recent episode in which I did a deep dive into the reality transurfing perspective on visualization using slides (https://youtu.be/hwDGzBR1x0g) Transurfing is fundamentally different to other visualization techniques. As you […]

Understanding How To Use Slides And Visualization in Reality Transurfing || EP 106

This episode continues a series in which I do deep dives on different chapters of Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland. In this episode, I dive into chapter 8 Slides which a wonderful chapter which really outlines an advanced model of visualization which is much more effective and nuanced than most visualization strategies. You may have […]


Do you have a problem visualizing? Many people aren’t aware of how powerful visualizing can be in their lives. In fact many of us are doing plenty of visualizations everyday. The problem is that most of us are doing visualizations to create the life we don’t want; we are often using it to imagine the […]