Tag Archives: toltec wisdom

The Secret To Reality Creation Using The Plait Assemblage Point || EP 1543

Dive into the intriguing concepts of the Plait and the Assemblage Point, both of which provide insights into the human energetic system and our perception of reality. These two seemingly different things written of by Vadim Zeland and Reality Transurfing and Carlos Castaneda. This teaching can be traced to a variety of other disciplines including […]

The Recapitulation Meditation || EP 1504

How do you clear up your emotional baggage from the past?  You mind tends to cling to emotional events and replay them, often over and over. Sometimes it does this years later. Your mind is re-firing neural pathways that have become an automatic habit.  It is possible to change how these neural pathways fire. When […]

The Secret Magic Of Recapitulation || EP 1502

How do you clear up your emotional baggage from the past?  You mind tends to cling to emotional events and replay them, often over and over. Sometimes it does this years later. Your mind is re-firing neural pathways that have become an automatic habit.  It is possible to change how these neural pathways fire. When […]

Carlos Castaneda Understanding Recapitulation || EP 327

What is Recapitulation? As used here, recapitulation is an ancient technique for retrieving energy, prevent energetic loss and healing energetic injuries. The term is used in other contexts to refer to the hypothetical development of the embryo of an animal, from fertilization to gestation (ontogeny), through stages representing successive stages in the evolution of the […]