Tag Archives: reality transurfing aaron doughty

Everything you ever wanted to know about Pendulums (in Transurfing) but were afraid to ask! || EP 220

On an energetic level a structure appears when a group of people think in the same way, as a result of which, the parameters of their thought energy are identical. Their thought energy finally unites into a single current. When this happens, as if in the middle of an entire ocean of energy, a separate, […]

Understanding the Reality Inversion Technique In Reality Transurfing || EP 196

Importance can create balancing forces and is an important concept in Reality Transurfing. There are lots of methods to reduce importance. What is my favorite? Reality Inversion. Reality inversion is similar to the principle of coordination of intention. The only difference is that inversion is a more radical approach based on humor. Vadim Zeland Explains […]

Understanding The Dual Mirror in Transurfing || EP 160

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/37893eb8-8593-4de8-8008-a42e77c7f2aa?dark=true”></iframe> In this episode I do a deep dive on Chapter 18 of the book Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland called The Mirror World. One of the most popular and interesting subjects in Vadim Zeland’s Reality Transurfing and Tufti the Priestess is the mirror principle. According to Zeland, The […]

Guided Meditation: Questions To The Space of Variations || EP 118

Nothing has such power to cause a complete mental turnaround as that of a question. Questions spark curiosity, curiosity creates ideas and ideas (well, good ones) lead to innovation and prosperity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value, it spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, And […]

Understanding the Alternatives Flow in Reality Transurfing || EP 102

This episode continues a series in which I do deep dives on Reality Transurfing chapters as a form of research to create a meditation. This episode I go over Chapter 6 the Alternatives Flow, one of the best chapters in the book. As Vadim Zeland says, “The alternatives flow is a truly sumptuous gift for […]

Understanding How To Ride The Wave of Fortune in Reality Transurfing || EP 92

In this episode, I continue a series on the Reality Revolution where I do deep dives on different chapters in Reality Transurfing. The third chapter of Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland is called the wave of fortune. I have mentioned the wave of fortune concept in previous episodes of the Reality Revolution but I really […]

Finding Your Soul’s Star Sector – Using Transurfing to Become the Star You Were Meant to Be || EP 80

Every soul has its own individual ‘star’ sector in the information field. It is clear that there may be an infinite number of star sectors assume that the individual soul has one unique sector of the field in the form of an individual goal or path. So how do you find your true sector? In […]

The Coordination of Intention Principle in Reality Transurfing – The essence of Transurfing || EP 79

Reality Transurfing is a wonderful book by Vadim Zeland. It is a fantastic analysis on how to create your own reality. I have dedicated several videos on this subject. You can check out my playlist of videos on this subject (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo8M_Nl1XUYsnaBgXDnXRKBt) Transurfing is becoming more popular as people are becoming exposed to these powerful ideas. […]