Tag Archives: out of body experiences

Out Of Body Experiences || EP 972

Have you ever woken up outside of your body? Have you found yourself walking around your house while you sleep. As you lie in slumber, your spirit body snaps free and drifts upward while your physical shell is left lonely on the bed below, connected only by a fragile, silvery cord. You turn and observe […]

The Mysteries Of Bilocation || EP 881

Bilocation is a classic phenomenon documented in a variety of texts and discussed in many spiritual accounts. Bilocation, or sometimes multilocation, is an alleged psychic or miraculous ability wherein an individual or object is located (or appears to be located) in two distinct places at the same time. Reports of bilocational phenomena have been made […]

Anthony Norvell How To Achieve Astral Projection And Its Benefits || EP 724

We all have the natural ability to travel beyond our physical body into other dimensions. Developing this skill can bring us wisdom, freedom, and spiritual growth, and help us overcome the fear of death. Freedom from all physical, mental, emotional, psychic, and spiritual entanglements is usually the principal reason someone is attracted to soul travel. […]


This is not your normal episode of the reality revolution podcast. In this episode I talk about my dream visions of the infinite, my first out of body experience, the infinity palace and the love test. Is it a meditation? You be the judge. With some seriously awesome Music by Mettaverse and the mandelbrot video […]