Tag Archives: law of attraction

Anthony Norvell Utilizing The Law Of Demonstration || EP 1536

You have the power within your mind to demonstrate anything that you want in life. To demonstrate means to bring, something from the invisible to the visible realm. God has given a mysterious power to all His creation to achieve completion and fulfillment of destiny. This is as true of the plant and animal kingdoms […]

You Are A Cosmic Portal || EP 1534

You are a cosmic portal. You a portal for energies from the cosmic. You are shifting frequencies constantly. You are ascending. You are evolving, your entire DNA system is being recreated. I really vibed with my higher self in this episode. 🌎→The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused […]

Neville Goddard – Divine Vision || EP 1532

Divine Vision March 3, 1972 Neville Goddard Now the secret is how to keep that divine vision in time of trouble. I am not disobedient to the divine vision. When I keep the divine vision, even in times of trouble and things are all denying that it could ever happen, He is working; the depth […]

Guided Meditation – Unleash Your Prosperity Power (Joseph Murphy) || EP 1530

This meditation is designed around affirmations from Dr. Joseph Murphy that will reprogram your subconscious mind to bring your health, wealth, love and a magnificent life. 💰Large Sums Of Money Activation Trainings – 12 hours of training on activating  the large sums of money reality  https://realityrevolutioncon.com/largesumsofmoney 🎨 Buy My Art – Unique Sigil Magic and […]

The Ancient Secret Of The Power Of Thought || EP 1528

It has been stated often, and quite truly, that thought is the greatest energy. History relates again and again how the destiny of mankind has been altered by new ideas, by the powerful thoughts of original thinkers. The vision of a united world led Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and more recently Hitler into their […]

The Art Of Blessing || EP 1527

The ancients’ secret for happy living was the act of blessing. Most of us have heard the terms “blessing,” “bless you” or even, “I blessed him out.” But seldom have we realized the power we have to experience health, harmony, and prosperity through the ancient practice of blessing. As presented in the Book of Genesis, […]

Your Thoughts Create Reality || EP 1526

This is what it is all about. Yet I still get doubters all the time. Still after all this time, the greatest obstacle for many is the belief that their thoughts are not able to create reality. Before anything else you must come to an understanding of this important fact. Your thoughts create reality. So […]

Guided Meditation Awakening The Imaginal Body || EP 1523

If you are a true student of Neville Goddard and you want to truly imagine properly, this meditation is a game charger. Inspired by Jean Houston and Masters this technique has fully activated my imaginal body and I have experienced concrete and demonstrable changes in the effectiveness of my imagination. You are not imagining properly […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Secret Of Miracle Power For Infinite Riches || EP 1522

It is your God-given birthright to be rich, which means you are here to express the fullness of life along all lines for glorious living. You exist on earth to lead a happy, joyous and glorious life; in other words, the life more abundant. Infinite riches are omnipresent, and you should begin to realize that […]

Creating A Sense Of Urgency || EP 1521

In a world characterized by rapid change and fleeting opportunities, time is a commodity we can neither purchase nor reclaim. Yet, amidst the incessant tick of the clock, lies a potent force often underestimated: the power of a sense of urgency. It’s not about mindless rushing or fueled panic; it’s about seizing the present, discerning […]