Tag Archives: i am meditation

Guided Meditation – I Am God || EP 1633

This meditation is designed for you to fully become your godself, to merge with your divine aspect, to awaken to your true identity as god of the universe. With a guided visualization and a collection of the most amazing Joseph Murphy affirmations that are desirgned to affirm and program an alignment with your god self […]

The Gateway Of I AM || EP 1595

The I AM holds a key to unlocking our infinite existence. This simple phrase is not a statement of being but a gateway to higher consciousness, a portal to the divine presence within us. When we utter the words I AM we are not merely referring to our limited earthly selves but invoking the essence […]

The Saint Germain I AM BEAUTY Mirror Meditation || EP 1381

“Through the Intelligence and Beauty which ‘I AM,’ I command you to take on Perfect Beauty of form, for ‘I AM’ that Beauty in every cell of which you are composed. You shall respond to my command and become radiantly beautiful in every way, in thought, word, feeling and form. ‘I AM’ the Fire and […]

Guided Meditation – Behold I Make All Things New || EP 1233

This meditation was inspired by the powerful affirmation given by Paul Selig and his guides in his most recent book resurrection. Declaring these words has been like a lightning blast. When I declared these words I experienced a powerfully transcendant shift in my reality.   Say this and declare this with me: I am choosing […]

The I AM GOD Exercise || EP 945

This episode I share the results of an amazing exercise we undertook in the facebook group Welcom To The Reality Revolution and the results of many in the group who shared their results in this excercise (If I mispronounce anyones name I am sorry) Here is the exercise that we undertook Class assignment 1 The […]

The I AM Meditation || EP 733

The Meditation begins at 5:20 This is the I AM meditation through a variety of powerful I AM affirmations you will get into contact with the true I AM within and blossom into the I AM that you were meant to become   “I AM” “I AM” is the Activity of “That Life.”  How strange […]

Guided Meditation The Joseph Benner Awaken Your God Self I Alone AM Awakening Meditation || EP 367

Meditation starts at 17:03  If you have had a chance to listen to the audiobook the impersonal life by Joseph Benner you know how mindblowing and unusual that book. It reads as if God is being directly channeled. After reading that book on the channel I soon found myself devouring anything I could find by […]

Alan Watts The Dramatic Model of Reality || EP 206

Consider the world as a drama. The basis of all drama—of all stories and plots—is the game of hide-and-seek. The first game you play with a baby is hide-and-seek. You put a book in front of your face and peek around at the baby, and the baby starts giggling. The baby understands, because it’s close […]

Guided Meditation: Downloading GOD (Downloading I AM alternate version) || EP 173

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/45fc7757-dbc9-4ff3-afc8-2ab435c99105?dark=true”></iframe> The intention of this meditation is to download God, to tune into the I AM consciousness. THIS IS AN ALTERNATE VERSION of my Downloading I AM meditation (https://youtu.be/8NejJD-F_zg) I have recorded this meditation twice. They both have the same beautiful soundtrack. One is called downloading I AM and […]

Guided Meditation I AM Prosperous 111hz 777hz || EP 157

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/ba034ea8-1c78-47cd-a36e-b514106731d4?dar This is a simple meditation, with the the repetition of the phrase I am prosperous, repeatedly in both ears binaurally which induces deeper trance induction and thus enhancing the effectiveness. The music by Mettaverse as always will elevate you to a higher plane of prosperity consciousness. I read […]